Star Students Calendar 3/6-3/10 3/8 – Early Release Day/ Literacy This week we will continue daily practice of our Jolly Phonics sounds and sight words. Please continue to support this at home. Our book of the week is “Wood” and the sight words are “go & here”. This week we will open our “Wood Shop” and the students will have the opportunity to work with pieces of wood. Later in the month we will have a “virtual field trip” to a woodshop where a friend of Ms. Lyons will give the children a tour of her woodshop and what happens there. We will also continue our journey through the solar system this week by visiting Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. In Writing Workshop students will be continue improving their How – To books. We will also be spending some time in our Grammar Unit. This Unit looks at nouns, when to use capital letters, and punctuation. Calendar 3/8 – Early Release Day/ 10:10 Dismissal 3/10 – Report Cards go home 3/15 – PTO Meeting 7-8:30 3/22 – Field Trip to Ryerson Forest 3/24 – Kindergarten Luau 3/27-3/31 – Spring Break/ No School 4/8 – PTO Fun Fair 11:00 – 3:00 Birthdays 3/7 – Demetri 3/8 - Lakshmi **Save the date! Mother’s Day Tea 5/12/17** Math This week we will continue work in Module 8. Students will use dominoes and dice to practice the concept of addition by adding the dots together. At this point in the year students should be able to subitize a number. This means they can look at a group of dots and know how many there are without counting. If you play games with your child and they roll a “6”, then they automatically know how many spaces to move without counting the dots. Subitizing is a stepping block for addition. If a student rolls a six they can also look at the dots and see 3 on the left and 3 on the right and know it’s six. Star Students 3/6 Jackson 3/7 Demetri 3/8 Lakshmi 3/9 Nicole 3/10 Ray *Star student will read a book to the class.