Welcome Meeting 14th September 2017 Miss Laver Rabbit class 2017-2018 Welcome Meeting 14th September 2017 Miss Laver
Aims and Objectives Understanding the transition to Year One/ Reception Rabbit routines An outline of our Creative curriculum Literacy and Mathematics Discuss ways in which you can support your child at home
Staff Class teachers: Miss Laver Learning Support Assistants: Ms Love (Monday- Thursday) Mrs Lyon-Taylor (Friday)
Transition to Reception Mixture adult supported groups but mostly child-initiated activities. Support their increasing independence, and encourage them to be resourceful. Label all clothing and belongings. Be punctual- Class door opens at 8.30 am and closes at 8.40am Transition to Year 1 Mixture adult supported groups and also child-initiated activities that are differentiated. More formal teaching and higher expectations. Support their developing independence, responsibility, encourage them to be resourceful.
How to help your child to settle in quickly... A good nights sleep! Teaching the children to be independent (e.g. getting dressed by themselves, going to the toilet by themselves...) Come into the classroom independently. Water Bottle: (no juice), bring each day. Coat and high visibility jacket: bring each day as always outside! Name Everything! (uniform, PE clothes, coat, book bags, water bottle) Fruit: delivered on daily basis.
A typical day in our class... 8.30am Encourage your child to say goodbye at the door. Children put their book bags, water bottles and coats away. They then join in with morning activity. 8.40am Register/ calendar/ timetable. 8.50am Phonics 9.10am Short whole class teaching sessions / morning activities- A mixture of group work with adult support and independent learning. Learning is planned to take place through fun, play based activities. 9.55am-10.05am Recap learning. 10.05-10.20am Fruit Time and story. 10.20-10.35am-Outdoor Play 10.35-10.50am- Assembly based around our Christian values. 10.50am-11.50am- whole class teaching session 11.50am- tidy up and wash hands for lunch. 12.00-1.10pm Lunch time 1.10-2.30pm Whole class teaching session followed by afternoon activities. 2.30pm tidy up and reflect on our learning. 2.45- Get ready to go home and story time. If your child is being picked up by somebody else please make sure this is written on the clipboard or email the Office if it is a regular situation.
Reception Areas of learning... The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum covers 7 areas of learning: Prime Areas: Personal, social and emotional development Communication and Language Physical development. Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design Children are assessed against the 17 Early Learning Goals.
Assessment... Most of our assessments have to come from observations. Assessed against the age bands -30-50 months -40-60 months -Early Learning Goal (Emerging, Expected, Exceeding) Continuous throughout the year.
Year One areas of learning... We are teaching from the new National Curriculum (2014). Literacy Maths Science Art/DT Geography History RE PSHE Music Computing PE
Assessments... More formal assessments, but we do use observations as well. This includes photographs and written post it notes.
Around the World and Back Again Topics Covered in Rabbit Class... Autumn All about me Spring Around the World and Back Again Summer Plants and Growing
Literacy Reading at Home Book Bags: Children will bring them home every day. Please empty out any letters, pictures etc. and leave the reading record and the children’s reading books in at all times. Reading Books: children can change these on Monday and Thursday. Please leave a short comment of how they did with their reading so we know they have read the book or just initial it if you are running out of time. Letter sounds- pure is best! http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/grownups/the-alphablocks- guide-to-phonics Spellings: We will be sending home spellings to Year One’s in due time that link to phonics learning from that week. Reception: We will be sending home phonics books to reinforce learning from that week.
Spellings and handwriting Literacy Spellings and handwriting Spellings: Year 1 children will be given up to 8 spellings to be learnt with the look, cover, write, check method. The spellings will be based around the phonic phase group they are in at school. Handwriting- important for both Reception and Year 1 children. Pre-cursive style!
How Can You Help? Keep reading sessions fun and enjoyable. Encourage children to use different strategies to work out unknown words. Help children to practice key words and Jolly Phonics.
Numeracy Focus on writing numbers Problem solving in real life Plenty of hands on activities to make maths fun! Maths games from the Library There will be a maths workshop for parents this academic year
Communication Open door policy Use reading record for communication about reading. Call office asap if child is absent Rabbit Going Home sheet Website Rabbit Class page.
Home-School Link... Parent helpers please let us know if you would like to help- in school and on trips! To help, parents must be DBS checked, information in the office.
Any Questions... We look forward to a happy year with your children! Thank you for coming tonight. We look forward to a happy year with your children! Visit our class page on our website.