Starting out in Reception
The school day The school day – gate drop off School attendance target – 96% Role of the EWO Rewards for good attendance Coming into school / leaving school
Daily Routines Access to the Outdoors (whatever the weather) – wellies Coats are needed whatever the weather Drinking water / water bottles Milk and snack daily Show and Tell (something that is meaningful or special to the child – no valuables please) different groups on certain days: Butterflies - Monday Ladybirds – Tuesday Bees – Wednesday Caterpillars – Thursday Snails - Friday
Uniform Appropriate uniform – daily and for PE Labels – Everything including shoes Footwear Jewellery Hair
Behaviour Behaviour policy Whole school systems – class points, smilies Class systems – positive praise, stickers Concerns & communication
Fostering a love of learning & linking to the child’s interests EYFS Profile Based on ongoing assessment Observations Three prime areas Four specific areas Fostering a love of learning & linking to the child’s interests
Prime Areas Communication and Language (CL) Physical Development (PD) Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
The Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Characteristics of Effective Learning Playing and Exploring Active Learning Creating and thinking critically
Phonics Reading Letters and Sounds Jolly Phonics Read, Write, Inc. actions for letters Homework – letters and sounds, reading Bug club books Action words Phonics play Letters and sounds website – games Ipads – free apps Website
E-Safety A major part of the computing curriculum Taught on a regular basis Website What to do if there is a concern
What can you do to help? Support school systems by: Read together every day and ask questions about the story Encouraging children to learn appropriate times tables Practicing key words Use number problems in every day life, at the shops, on the bus, telling the time etc. Try to get children to school on time every day Encourage children to follow the handwriting scheme whenever they are at home.
Point of Contact Member of staff at the gate / after school Appointments with class teacher via office staff where possible Senior leadership team Mrs McCormack / Mrs Rowntree (Assistant Head teachers) Mrs Hindmarsh Mr Jones Deputy Head teacher – Mrs Legge Head teacher – Mrs O’Rourke