PRESENTATION TO Portfolio Committee Cape Town 15 August 2006 Brian J Huntley South African National Biodiversity Institute
Key Achievements 2005/2006 Establishment and positioning of SANBI as a lead institution in Africa and beyond Consolidation of CAPE, SKEP, STEP and Grasslands project management units in SANBI Conclusion of Southern African Botanical Diversity Network (SABONET) with Highly Successful rating by GEF-UNDP Completion of visitor, education and research facility upgrades in five gardens 7,5% increase in visitor numbers and 15% income to gardens (Walter Sisulu 17,3%, Free State 118% increase) Over 15,5 million hits per year on SANBI websites, over 3,6 million page downloads per year Successful implementation of large employment and skills development projects: Greening the Nation and Working for Wetlands Publication of new Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland Publication of South African Response to GSPC Publication of Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes
SANBI Strategy: High Level Priorities 2006 - 2007 Biodiversity Research and Knowledge Sector Expanded Managed Network of partners SANBI’s Network of National Botanical Gardens New Business Case Financing Strategy Legislative Coherence Corporate Governance Transformation Links with NEPAD
Corporate Governance Completed In Progress Pending 1 Establish efficient Board committees Board Committees reviewed and operational Board Secretary appointed (1 Mar) Remuneration Committee (23 Feb) New vacancy (MrMayekiso) 2 Implement Supply Chain Management system throughout SANBI SCM Policies approved SCM Training complete SCM Manager appointed 3 Ensure full PFMA compliance reporting Details on performance reporting in place activated (Nov. ’05) DEAT governance strategy developed Board TORs standardised Regular reports to Board and DEAT in place
Legislative Coherence: Biodiversity Act Completed In Progress Pending 1 IAS Regulations Drafting of IAS regulations (Jan ’06) Awaiting DEAT decisions Board approval of SANBI’s role (Aug ’06) 2 GMOs & Bioprospecting DEAT/SANBI collaboration agreed TOR for consultant agreed (Feb ’06) Bioprospecting regulations (DEAT ’06) GMO regulations (DEAT ’06) Clarity on SANBI role 3 Threatened species and Ecosystems Norms and Standards Threatened Species and Ecosystems published (DEAT ’06) 4 Bioregional Plans Guidelines for publication of bioregional plans in terms of act developed Submited to DEAT for publication (May ’06)
Financing Strategy Completed In Progress Pending 1 MTEF 2006 – 2009 (Business Case) Clarity on budget from DEAT (Feb ’06) Submission of Business Case by DEAT to Treasury 2 Establishment of Kirstenbosch Foundation Costing and legal process reviewed (May ’06) Strategy to Board (Aug ’06) Discussion by Board on future
Biodiversity Knowledge Sector Completed In Progress Pending 1 Gap Analysis of national capacity in biodiversity TOR Outline drafted Finalise TOR (Mar ’06) SANBI to undertake survey (Apr ’06) Outcome of Business Case 2 Taxonomy and the future of natural history collections Discussions with NACI Included with business Case 3 Biodiversity Knowledge Management System Biodiversity GIS website launched (Nov ’05) 4 SA Biodiversity Information Facility (SABIF) Transfer to SANBI (Apr ’06) SAEON Fynbos Node Agreement with NRF Finalisation of transition
Bioregional Programmes Completed In Progress Pending 1. National Grasslands Initiative Development of 6 year full programme brief DEAT approval of $12 mil full size project allocation DEAT guidance of GEF-RAF process 2. Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme (SKEP) Coordination Unit established in SANBI Jul ’05 3. Cape Action for People& the Environment (C.A.P.E.) Secured $12 mil from GEF CAPE priorities reflected in PSDF 4. Sub Tropical Thicket Ecosystem Programme (STEP) Coordination Unit established in SANBI
SANBI’S Network of National Botanical Gardens Completed In Progress Pending 8.1 Evaluation of existing, proposed and additional sites for NBGs Proposal for Nieuwoudtville NBG prepared Proposal for expansion of Harold Porter NBG submitted Consultants’ report on HPNBG (Mar ’06) Clarification of SANBI role at Grahamstown Botanical Garden (May ’06) Meeting with Hantam Municipality (Sept ’06) Evaluation of properties Visits to sites in Limpopo (July’ 06) Pondoland study and report to DEAT (’06/’07)
Capital Development Programme 2006 – 2009 (R.million) Centre Current insured value CAPEX Projects 2005 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 Kirstenbosch 182 1 2 5 Harold Porter 6 3 Karoo Desert 8 Free State 13 4 Walter Sisulu 14 Pretoria 94 16 25 Lowveld 17 10 KwaZulu 7 National Herbaria TOTAL 366 30 51 71 MTEF
A National Botanical Garden for the Northern Cape at Nieuwoudtville The world’s richest diversity of flowering bulbs Top priority conservation in National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment High illiteracy, unemployment, vulnerable economy High ecotourism potential – flowers, waterfalls, cultural diversity, on kokerboom forest, Supportive municipality and provincial governments Needs SANBI investment in land purchase, infrastructure, skills development Ecotourism is the key resource for socio-economic development in a marginalised region
SANBI Income 1999/2000 – 2008/2009
Permanent vs Contract Staff
SANBI: Key Challenges 2006/2007 Submission of new Business Case and its acceptance by DEAT and Treasury Clarification of respective roles and funding responsibilities for biodiversity research by DEAT and DST Doubling number of Black visitors in all gardens every year to 2010 Future of Natural History Collections in Museums and of taxonomic research in South Africa Land acquisition strategy for new and existing National Botanical Gardens Sustained CAPEX funding for expanded facilities required by SANBI mandate Clear and accelerated access to GEF-RAF funding opportunities Appointment of new CEO Skills attraction and retention Security of staff and assets Incapacity of some BEE suppliers Implement Balanced Scorecard performance evaluation
SANBI 2006/7 Cash Flow Projections R’000s Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Income 35,059 69,747 85,747 Expenditure 56,161 68,046 68,047 Net (21,102) 1,701 17,701 1,700
SANBI BEE PERFORMANCE 2005/2006 ACT TARGET VARIANCE Total EXP R113.9 m R116 m R2.1 m Total BEE EXP R58.1 m R46.4 m R11.7 m BEE % 51% 40% 11%
Thank you