College and Career readiness standars INTRO TO CCRS College and Career readiness standars By Leecy Wise for Unlimited Learning, inc, 2017
CCRS Report The CCRS report used to develop this presentation was published in 2003 as a public domain resource by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education. College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education. Washington, D.C., 2013. The full report is available for download at dultEd.pdf.
The recent integration of CCR standards into adult education programs is intended to provide all adult students with the opportunity to be prepared for postsecondary education and training without needing remediation. To that end, the CCRS identify beginning levels of study, reaching students at their instructional levels upon program entry and positioning them for successful progress toward college and career readiness. CCSS CCRS Keep in mind that CCRS standards correlate to K-12 Common Core State Standards (CCSS). What CCRS does is to match CCS standards to competencies that adults are expected to have in order to succeed in college or sustainable careers. Go to to find a short explanation of that process. Click on the following one minute video, which is also on the page.
CCRS STANDARDS ARE DIVIDED INTO TWO TRACKS (SUBJECT AREAS) ELA (English Language Arts) includes literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. Math
EACH TRACK ADDRESSES FIVE LEVELS. Levels in parenthesis state K-12 grade levels A (K–1) Beginning Adult Basic Education Literacy B (2–3) Beginning Basic Education C (4–5, 6) Low Intermediate Basic Education D (6, 7–8) High Intermediate Basic Education E (high school ) Low Adult Secondary and High Adult Secondary Education. (Note: Grade 6 standards are split between Level C and Level D.)
YOU WILL NOTICE THAT EACH TRACK SOMETIMES USES DIFFERENT TERMINOLOGY. / Image source: "Open ABE service-MOOC!" offered by Designers for Learning: Gain Experience for Good, Jennifer Maddrell, Director, under CC license BY NC SA
ELA STRANDS The ELA track is divided into strands that are addressed in that track. ELA Strands Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Language
ELA ANCHOR STANDARDS Each ELA strand is headed by a specific set of College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards across all levels (A-E) of learning. Anchors are major standard statements that are then leveled from A to E. The anchor standard is then stated at each of five levels.
Sample ELA Anchor Standard Grade level standard statements at different levels
CITATIONS CITATIONS follow each standard. The citation at the end of each standard in the charts identifies the CCRS strand, grade level, and number (or standard number and letter, where applicable). So, RI.4.3, for example, stands for Reading (Track), Informational Text (Strand), Grade 4, Standard 3. W.5.1a stands for Writing, Grade 5, Standard 1a.
CITATIONS L.5.5 - Language, Grade 5 (Level C), Anchor Standard 5 L.3.5 - Language, Grade 3, Anchor Standard 5 L.1.5 - Language, Grade 1 (Level B), Anchor Standard 5
IDENTIFY THE CITATION (RL.7.1) (RI.3.7) (SL.3.1) (RL.7.1) (RI.3.7) (SL.3.1) RI: Reading Informational Text RL: Reading Literature RH: Reading Historical/Social Studies Text RST: Reading Scientific and Technical Text W: Writing WHST: Writing for History/Social Studies, Scientific and Technical Subjects SL: Speaking and Listening L: Language RF: Reading Foundations
IDENTIFY THE CITATION (RL.7.1) Reading Literature, Grade 7, Standard 1 (RL.7.1) Reading Literature, Grade 7, Standard 1 (RI.3.7) Reading Informational Text, Grade 3, Standard 1 (SL.3.1) Speaking and Listening, Grade 3, Standard 1 RI: Reading Informational Text RL: Reading Literature RH: Reading Historical/Social Studies Text RST: Reading Scientific and Technical Text W: Writing WHST: Writing for History/Social Studies, Scientific and Technical Subjects SL: Speaking and Listening L: Language RF: Reading Foundations
MATH TRACK Math CCR Standards are organized differently. Math groupings are called Domains, and Anchors are simply listed as Standards. See Example from the CCRS Book (pp. 51/59) Math Domains Numbers and Operations (Number System) Algebraic Concepts and Functions Geometry Measurement, Data, and Probability Information taken from
MATH TABLES The tables that express standards in the math track are organized by level.
The citation for math standards is added at the end of each domain. 1.NBT.2 = Grade 1.Number and Operations: Base 10. Standard 2 1.NBT.3 = Grade 1.Number and Operations: Base 10. Standard 3
You are ready to start using CCRS standards in Adult ed! Congratulations! You are ready to start using CCRS standards in Adult ed!