Forest Law Enforcement and Governance in Central Asia Project financed by the European Union Turkmenistan updates Istanbul 09.12.2014
Content Missions up to date Review of legal framework Recent developments Recommendations for future project activities
List of Missions in Turkmenistan July 2013 – Inception workshop September 2013 – Inception mission March 2014 – Road map for Turkmenistan September 2014 – Recommendations for specific project support November 2014 – Developing Normative Documents, proposing standardized regulatory process within the Ministry of Nature Protection and Forestry Administration 3
Review of Legal Framework New Forest Code since 2011 National Forestry Programme 2013 – outlines the list of normative documents to be elaborated 6 normative documents elaborated in 2012 by the former GIZ project on Sustainable Forest Management, submitted to the Ministry but yet not approved 4
Recent developments: Amendments to the Forest Code - to provide the Ministry of Nature protection (MNP) with the necessary authorities and responsibilities to develop, approve monitor and update regulations
Recent developments: 2 normative documents are elaborated with the support of HF with national experts: ND#5: “Regulatory system for collecting payments and fees for the use of forests” ND#18: “Regulation for the implementation of forest reforestation and new afforestation activities in the areas belonging to the Forest Fund”
Recent developments: Recommendations for a model and procedures for a more effective process of developing future NDs and other regulatory instruments: Department or position within the Ministry of Nature Protection Within the new department within the Forestry Administration
Recommendations for the following steps: Provide follow-up support to the regulatory process Provide support in implementing the regulatory cycle Provide specific guidance to the FA in the development of further NDs Provide training to specialists at performing required functions of the regulatory cycle (e.g work with the MNP/FA) 9
Gulbahar Abdurasulova FLEG/ERCA National Coordinator in Turkmenistan Thank you! Gulbahar Abdurasulova FLEG/ERCA National Coordinator in Turkmenistan 10