Workforce Development Governance & Op Excellence 4/17/2017 2017 SIOUX FALLS DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION STRATEGIC PLAN Vision: To be the regional leader in economic and workforce development, streamlining the process for business to thrive in our vibrant community. Target Industries: Biomedical, Finance & Banking, Advanced Manufacturing, Transportation & Warehousing, Data Centers, Food Processing Mission: To collaboratively create quality economic growth and workforce development in the Sioux Falls MSA to improve our quality of life. Values: Leadership, Integrity, Collaborative, Community Focused, Excellence Create an integrated and aligned ED plan between SFDF, City , GOED, & Discovery District, by end of Q2 (Slater, Daren, Steve, Rich, Dean) Create a performance scorecard/Sales dashboard by end of April. (Dean) Complete BNSF site certification (July 1) & SD Certification (Oct 1) (Dean) Determine how to use Board members to close deals by May 1.( Karen) Finalize financing agreement for Foundation Park by April 30. (Slater, Finance Committee) Complete grading project in FP prior to Nov 25 (Slater) Visit with Area Brokers (monthly visits, qtrly mtgs and regional) (Dean, Daren) Create a proactive training program for prospects and targeted industries by end of 2017 with STI, UC (Lon, Slater, Rich, Daren, Steve) Create a scorecard to measure portal success (Lon, Digital Mktg Associate) Hold Back to SoDak Day (Lon, Workforce Development Manager) Initiate Targeted Population Strategy (Lon) Define brand messaging and elevator speech to articulate value proposition for each constituency by end of Q1 (Michelle) Develop a comprehensive mktg campaign to improve brand recognition/ public awareness by May 1 (Slater, Scott L, FSF National Marketing Committee) Create a local FAM tour for Board, brokers and bankers in summer (Slater, Dean) Execute 2017 Marketing Plan (Slater, Dean, Karen, Scott L, Natl Mktg Comm) Start social media program (Slater, Dean, Lon, Digital Mktg Associate) Create a board portal to improve access to information by End of Q2 (Karen, Thane) Create a master calendar to sync new board member orientation, strategic planning and budget development by End of Q1 (Slater) Expand Board member orientation by Dec 31 (Staff) Examine efficiencies with Chamber, SFDF, CVB, Report due Oct 1 (Slater, Jason, Teri) Redesign Interior Financial Accounting System (Slater, Diane) by Sept 1 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES INITIATIVES OUTCOMES Econ & Real Estate 4,500 call attempts (#) 300 decision-makers reached 15 conference calls (#) 7 face-to-face meetings(#) 4 ePostcards 10 SSC visits 5 SSC FAM tour participants 12 visits to local brokers 12 visits to regional brokers 4 local broker group meetings 80 visits to local businesses 6 projects located in SF MSA 4 projects located in SFDF parks $3M in land sales 200 jobs attracted $30M in capital investment 1) ECONOMIC & REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT a) Enhance Sales Excellence & Infrastructure 2) WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Workforce Development 8 workforce stories in local media 8 workforce community presentations 10 collaboration meetings on targeted populations 50 participants in Back to SoDAk Day 3) BRAND/MARKETING/COMMUNICATIONS Do the membership math: -reduce churn by 7% from 10% 326 (current) -23 303 -increase # of women to 18 to 25% +23 -increase # of minorities from 1% to 4% + 9 -increase # of under 50 by 5% 3 338 net: 3.68% increase 35 new; 23 lost _____________________________________________________ Based on 320: 298+25+9+3 = 335: 4.69% increase 37 new ; 22 lost Brand/Mktg/Communications Advertising equivalency of $100K 12 stories pitched Pitch:Run ratio of >90% 4) GOVERNANCE & OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE a) Improve Board Member Knowledge and Engagement Governance & Op Excellence 60% of Board responses to survey are in top two categories of understanding SFDF finances. 83% Board Attendance b) Create a culture of operational excellence and efficiency
Strategic Priorities with Timeline