Why did Henry VIII marry six times?
Henry VIII He was big and handsome and wore fine clothes He loved games, horse-riding and hunting He spoke four languages, wrote poetry and played music
But most important to him… He wanted to be a strong king, with a firm hold on the throne He most wanted a son to succeed him
Catherine of Aragon Married 1509 She was daughter to the king of Spain She had a daughter, Mary, but no sons She was too old for more children In 1533, Henry divorced her
Anne Boleyn Married 1533 She was young, pretty and witty She had one daughter, Elizabeth She was beheaded for being unfaithful in 1536
The White Tower This was part of the Tower of London. Here Anne got ready for her wedding to Henry VIII.
Anne has longed for baby! Unfortunately it was a girl! Princess Elizabeth was born on 7th September 1533. Henry did not go to the christening.
Sir Thomas Wyatt. This was the poet accused of seeing too much of Anne. She was also accused of seeing too much of her music master! This was treason! Anne’s enemies now had the excuse they needed to be rid of her.
The Tower of London Anne was taken back to the Tower, to the same room as she had been in before her wedding. If you go to the Tower of London you can see where she carved her name into the wall.
The executioner’s block. Anne was executed but by a French swordsman using a sword instead of an axe. The date was May 19th 1536. Anne wore a red petticoat under a loose, dark grey gown with a white coif holding up her long dark hair.
Anne’s body and head were put into an arrow chest and buried in an unmarked grave near to Tower Green. This is what it looks like today.
Jane Seymour Married 1536 (11 days after execution of Anne) She had a son, Edward, but died soon after (1537) Henry probably loved her best of all his wives
Anne of Cleves Married 1540 The marriage made a link between England and Germany Henry thought she was ugly Divorced 1540 – the same year!
Catherine Howard Married 1540 She was 20, Henry was 49 She was unfaithful Executed in 1542
Catherine Parr Married 1543 She liked family life and looked after Henry’s children She outlived Henry