Chapter Opener 3
Figure 3.1 Cell diversity.
Figure 3.1a Cell diversity.
Figure 3.1b Cell diversity.
Figure 3.1c Cell diversity.
Figure 3.1d Cell diversity.
Figure 3.1e Cell diversity.
Figure 3.1f Cell diversity.
Figure 3.2 Structure of the generalized cell.
Figure 3.3 The plasma membrane.
Figure 3.4 Membrane proteins perform many tasks.
Figure 3.4a Membrane proteins perform many tasks.
Figure 3.4b Membrane proteins perform many tasks.
Figure 3.4c Membrane proteins perform many tasks.
Figure 3.4d Membrane proteins perform many tasks.
Figure 3.4e Membrane proteins perform many tasks.
Figure 3.4f Membrane proteins perform many tasks.
Figure 3.5 Cell junctions.
Figure 3.5a Cell junctions.
Figure 3.5b Cell junctions.
Figure 3.5c Cell junctions.
Figure 3.6 Diffusion.
Figure 3.7 Diffusion through the plasma membrane.
Figure 3.7a Diffusion through the plasma membrane.
Figure 3.7b Diffusion through the plasma membrane.
Figure 3.7c Diffusion through the plasma membrane.
Figure 3.7d Diffusion through the plasma membrane.
Figure 3.8 Influence of membrane permeability on diffusion and osmosis.
Figure 3.8a Influence of membrane permeability on diffusion and osmosis.
Figure 3.8b Influence of membrane permeability on diffusion and osmosis.
Figure 3.9 The effect of solutions of varying tonicities on living red blood cells.
Figure 3.9a The effect of solutions of varying tonicities on living red blood cells.
Figure 3.9b The effect of solutions of varying tonicities on living red blood cells.
Figure 3.9c The effect of solutions of varying tonicities on living red blood cells.
Table 3.1 Passive Membrane Transport Processes
Figure 3.10 Primary active transport is the process in which solutes are moved across cell membranes against electrochemical gradients using energy supplied directly by ATP.
Figure 3.10 Primary active transport is the process in which solutes are moved across cell membranes against electrochemical gradients using energy supplied directly by ATP. (1 of 6)
Figure 3.10 Primary active transport is the process in which solutes are moved across cell membranes against electrochemical gradients using energy supplied directly by ATP. (2 of 6)
Figure 3.10 Primary active transport is the process in which solutes are moved across cell membranes against electrochemical gradients using energy supplied directly by ATP. (3 of 6)
Figure 3.10 Primary active transport is the process in which solutes are moved across cell membranes against electrochemical gradients using energy supplied directly by ATP. (4 of 6)
Figure 3.10 Primary active transport is the process in which solutes are moved across cell membranes against electrochemical gradients using energy supplied directly by ATP. (5 of 6)
Figure 3.10 Primary active transport is the process in which solutes are moved across cell membranes against electrochemical gradients using energy supplied directly by ATP. (6 of 6)
Figure 3.11 Secondary active transport is driven by the concentration gradient created by primary active transport.
Figure 3.12 Events of endocytosis mediated by protein-coated pits.
Figure 3.13 Comparison of three types of endocytosis.
Figure 3.13a Comparison of three types of endocytosis.
Figure 3.13b Comparison of three types of endocytosis.
Figure 3.13c Comparison of three types of endocytosis.
Figure 3.14 Exocytosis.
Figure 3.14a Exocytosis.
Figure 3.14a Exocytosis. (1 of 4)
Figure 3.14a Exocytosis. (2 of 4)
Figure 3.14a Exocytosis. (3 of 4)
Figure 3.14a Exocytosis. (4 of 4)
Figure 3.14b Exocytosis.
Table 3.2 Active Membrane Transport Processes (1 of 2)
Table 3.2 Active Membrane Transport Processes (2 of 2)
Figure 3.15 The key role of K+ in generating the resting membrane potential.
Figure 3.16 G proteins act as middlemen or relays between extracellular first messengers and intracellular second messengers that cause responses within the cell.
Figure 3.16 G proteins act as middlemen or relays between extracellular first messengers and intracellular second messengers that cause responses within the cell. (1 of 2)
Figure 3.16 G proteins act as middlemen or relays between extracellular first messengers and intracellular second messengers that cause responses within the cell. (2 of 2)
Figure 3.17 Mitochondrion.
Figure 3.17a Mitochondrion.
Figure 3.17b Mitochondrion.
Figure 3.17c Mitochondrion.
Figure 3.18 The endoplasmic reticulum.
Figure 3.18a The endoplasmic reticulum.
Figure 3.18b The endoplasmic reticulum.
Figure 3.19 Golgi apparatus.
Figure 3.19a Golgi apparatus.
Figure 3.19b Golgi apparatus.
Figure 3.20 The sequence of events from protein synthesis on the rough ER to the final distribution of those proteins.
Figure 3.21 Electron micrograph of lysosomes (20,000).
Figure 3.22 The endomembrane system.
Figure 3.23 Cytoskeletal elements support the cell and help to generate movement.
Figure 3.23a Cytoskeletal elements support the cell and help to generate movement.
Figure 3.23b Cytoskeletal elements support the cell and help to generate movement.
Figure 3.23c Cytoskeletal elements support the cell and help to generate movement.
Figure 3.24 Microtubules and microfilaments function in cell motility by interacting with motor molecules powered by ATP.
Figure 3.24a Microtubules and microfilaments function in cell motility by interacting with motor molecules powered by ATP.
Figure 3.24b Microtubules and microfilaments function in cell motility by interacting with motor molecules powered by ATP.
Figure 3.25 Centrioles.
Figure 3.25a Centrioles.
Figure 3.25b Centrioles.
Figure 3.26 Structure of a cilium.
Figure 3.26a Structure of a cilium.
Figure 3.26b Structure of a cilium.
Figure 3.27 Ciliary function.
Figure 3.27a Ciliary function.
Figure 3.27b Ciliary function.
Figure 3.28 Microvilli.
Figure 3.29 The nucleus.
Figure 3.29a The nucleus.
Figure 3.29b The nucleus.
Figure 3.30 Chromatin and chromosome structure.
Figure 3.30a Chromatin and chromosome structure.
Figure 3.30b Chromatin and chromosome structure.
Table 3.3 Parts of the Cell: Structure and Function (1 of 4)
Table 3.3 Parts of the Cell: Structure and Function (2 of 4)
Table 3.3 Parts of the Cell: Structure and Function (3 of 4)
Table 3.3 Parts of the Cell: Structure and Function (4 of 4)
Figure 3.31 The cell cycle.
Figure 3.32 Replication of DNA: summary.
Figure 3.33 Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei.
Figure 3.33 Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei.
Figure 3.33 Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei.
Figure 3.33 Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei. (1 of 6)
Figure 3.33 Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei. (2 of 6)
Figure 3.33 Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei. (3 of 6)
Figure 3.33 Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei. (4 of 6)
Figure 3.33 Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei. (5 of 6)
Figure 3.33 Mitosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosomes are distributed to two daughter nuclei. (6 of 6)
Figure 3.34 Simplified scheme of information flow from the DNA gene to mRNA to protein structure during transcription and translation.
Figure 3.35 Overview of stages of transcription.
Figure 3.35 Overview of stages of transcription. (1 of 4)
Figure 3.35 Overview of stages of transcription. (2 of 4)
Figure 3.35 Overview of stages of transcription. (3 of 4)
Figure 3.35 Overview of stages of transcription. (4 of 4)
Figure 3.36 The genetic code.
Figure 3.37 Translation is the process in which genetic information carried by an mRNA is decoded in the ribosome to form a particular polypeptide.
Figure 3.37 Translation is the process in which genetic information carried by an mRNA is decoded in the ribosome to form a particular polypeptide. (1 of 3)
Figure 3.37 Translation is the process in which genetic information carried by an mRNA is decoded in the ribosome to form a particular polypeptide. (2 of 3)
Figure 3.37 Translation is the process in which genetic information carried by an mRNA is decoded in the ribosome to form a particular polypeptide. (3 of 3)
Figure 3.38 Polyribosome arrays.
Figure 3.38a Polyribosome arrays.
Figure 3.38b Polyribosome arrays.
Figure 3.39 Rough ER processing of proteins.
Figure 3.40 Information transfer from DNA to RNA to polypeptide.