1. Find your seat. Please sit here until I have you memorized 2. Get the pink paper off the front table. 3. Make a name tent on the pink paper. Write your first and last name so we can see it. 4. Complete the Interest Survey for me please while everyone gets settled. Greetings!
Welcome to English with Mrs. E Greet me and others as you enter Put away your cell phones/electronic devices Get documents off front table and begin warmup in journal Be respectful (No food or drink) Classroom Norms EACH day
Learning Goal Understand classroom expectations and define a community of learners through brainstorming
Who is this crazy teacher?
I want you to know… Your attitude makes a difference What it means to be human To Communicate! I want you to know… Have a positive attitude-this creates a better environment for us all! Be respectful to people and property around you. Communicate with me. If you are having a bad day, tell me, but please don’t take it out on me! I believe you will be successful this year, and I have high expectations of you. We are all human beings. I expect you to treat everyone in this classroom with respect and dignity. I WILL TREAT YOU HOW YOU TREAT ME AND OTHERS IN CLASS. We all struggle, and we all make mistakes, but I am here to help you in whatever way I can. I do not judge you. Remember, I am not perfect either, but I strive to be an excellent teacher for you. Your safety is my first priority.
Mrs E.’s Top FIVE Pet Peeves 5. Not letting me make a mistake. 4. Insults, rudeness, or the forbidden phrase. 3. Dishonesty. 2. Phlegm. Ew. 1. Ignoring me or others. Mrs E.’s Top FIVE Pet Peeves
Don’t be a jerk. Class Rules
Learning Community What does it look like, sound like, feel like? How do you function in it?! On your sticky note… Learning Community Student Learner
Welcome to English with Mrs. E Greet me and others as you enter Put away your cell phones/electronic devices Get documents off front table and begin warmup in journal (NEED COMP NOTEBOOK MONDAY) Be respectful No food or drink Classroom Norms EACH day
Get papers off table. Turn in syllabus signature sheet if you have it. With a partner next to you-what is visual rhetoric? (take your best educated guess if you have no idea) Tuesday 7/25 Obj: Identify components of rhetoric and create a definition
Remind 101 Who remembers my pet peeves? Summer Read Couple things…
How do you define rhetoric based on our discussion today? Closure
Welcome to English with Mrs. E Greet me and others as you enter Put away your cell phones/electronic devices Get documents off front table and begin warmup in journal (NEED COMP NOTEBOOK MONDAY) Be respectful No food or drink Classroom Norms EACH day
Wednesday 7/26 DUE Tues: syllabus sign Turn in signed syllabus if you have it Have your name tent out What elements of rhetoric can you list from memory? Wednesday 7/26 DUE Tues: syllabus sign
Restroom What to do when absent Website 7/26 Procedures review
Who can work together to accomplish the task the quickest? 7/26 Team Building
Rhetoric, then, is all around us in conversation, in movies, in advertisements and books, in body language, and in art. We employ rhetoric whether we’re conscious of it or not, but becoming conscious of how rhetoric works can transform speaking, reading, and writing, making us more successful and able communicators and more discerning audiences.
With your group: Read through the essay. Complete the rhetorical triangle for the essay. Discuss which aspects of the essay you feel are most effective. 7/26 Obj: Identify and discuss what was rhetorically effective about the narrative essay
Welcome to English with Mrs. E Greet me and others as you enter Put away your cell phones/electronic devices Get documents off front table and begin warmup in journal (NEED COMP NOTEBOOK MONDAY) Be respectful No food or drink Classroom Norms EACH day
Happy block day! 4/27-28 Turn in signed syllabus Comp Notebook Monday! Turn to a partner-share the best thing about your week and the worst thing about your week Procedures: turnitin Happy block day! 4/27-28
With your group: Read through the essay. Complete the rhetorical triangle for the essay. Discuss which aspects of the essay you feel are most effective. 7/27-28 Obj: Identify and discuss what was rhetorically effective about the narrative essay
What we don’t want… Blobs and lines…
Narrative Time… 45 minutes Handwritten Headphones/music (on LOW) is allowed Narrative Time…