ATOMIC STRUCTURE electron orbit Nucleus
ATOMIC STRUCTURE electron orbit Nucleus
+ - ATOMIC STRUCTURE PROTON NEUTRON Number of proton,Z + number of neutron = nucleon number,A
X ATOMIC STRUCTURE NUCLIDE NOTATION A Z A - Z = number of neutron electron orbit Nucleus NUCLIDE NOTATION A = nucleon number A X Z Z = proton number A - Z = number of neutron
Element ATOMIC STRUCTURE EXERCISE Na 23 11 11 23 12 Ra 226 88 88 226 Number of protons Number of nucleons Number of neutrons Na 23 11 11 23 12 Ra 226 88 88 226 138 He 4 2 2 4 2
ATOMIC STRUCTURE PROPERTIES OF PROTON,NEUTRON,ELECTRON Element Charge value P 1 + 1.6 x 10 –19 C n 1 e -1 - 1.6 x 10 –19 C
ATOMIC STRUCTURE RADIOISOTOPES H 1 H 3 1 H 2 1 Proton number Isotopes – elements which have the same proton number but different nucleon number Radioisotopes – isotopes which have unstable nuclei H 1 H 3 1 H 2 1 Proton number
ATOMIC STRUCTURE EXERCISE List the isotopes for Helium,Carbon and Cobalt
PAST YEARS QUESTION A B C D Nucleus contains proton and neutron Which diagrams shows the correct path of the negatively charged particle moves towards a nucleus of an atom ? A B C D Nucleus contains proton and neutron Neutron is negatively charged Like charges will repel each others
What is the charge of proton ? PAST YEARS QUESTION Isotopes of Hydrogen Number of protons Number of neutron Number of nucleon 1 H 1 1 1 2 H 1 1 A 1 X H 1 3 2 1 What is the charge of proton ? Positive
What is meant by isotopes ? PAST YEARS QUESTION Isotopes of Hydrogen Number of protons Number of neutron Number of nucleon 1 H 1 1 1 2 H 1 1 A 1 X H 1 3 2 1 What is meant by isotopes ? Elements which have same proton number but different nucleon number
PAST YEARS QUESTION Isotopes of Hydrogen Number of protons Number of neutron Number of nucleon 1 H 1 1 1 2 H 1 1 A 1 X H 1 3 2 1 What is the value of A ? 2
PAST YEARS QUESTION Isotopes of Hydrogen Number of protons Number of neutron Number of nucleon 1 H 1 1 1 2 H 1 1 A 1 X H 1 3 2 1 What is the value of X ? 3