Shakespeare’s Language Task 5
Shakespeare’s Language Shakespeare’s plays were written in Early Modern English .
Old English Example Anglo Saxon Chronicle -- a part of the Peterborough Chronicle of the history of England in the year 1066. An. M.LXVI. On þyssum geare man halgode þet mynster æt Westmynstre on Cyldamæsse dæg 7 se cyng Eadward forðferde on Twelfts mæsse æfen 7 hine mann bebyrgede on Twelftan mæssedæg innan þære niwa halgodre circean on Westmyntre 7 Harold eorl feng to Englalandes cynerice swa swa se cyng hit him geuðe 7 eac men hine þærto gecuron 7 wæs gebletsod to cynge on Twelftan mæssedæg 7 þa ylcan geare þe he cyng wæs he for ut mid sciphere togeanes Willelme ...
Middle English Example Canterbury Tales Prologue – 14th Century A.D. Whan that aprill with his shoures soote The droghte of march hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licour Of which vertu engendred is the flour; Whan zephirus eek with his sweete breeth Inspired hath in every holt and heeth Tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Early Modern English The Tempest- William Shakespeare 1610 None that I more love than my selfe. You are a Counsellor, if you can command these Elements to silence, and worke the peace of the present, wee will not hand a rope more, use your authoritie: If you cannot, give thanks you have liv'd so long, and make your selfe readie in your Cabine for the mischance of the houre, if it so hap. Cheerely good hearts: out of our way I say.
Shakespeare’s Language Famous quotes from Shakespeare’s plays…(Practice saying them with your group!!!!!!!) “To be or not to be: that is the question.” ( from Hamlet) O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? (from Romeo and Juliet) ***The 'wherefore' here means why rather than where. Juliet is asking, “Romeo, why are you a Montague?”*** Fair is foul and foul is Fair ( from Macbeth)
Shakespeare’s Language Below are some common expressions coined by Shakespeare or popularized by him: “Break the ice” (from The Taming of the Shrew) “Refuse to budge an inch (from Measure for Measure and The Taming of the Shrew) “For goodness’ sake” (from Henry VIII) “Full Circle” (from King Lear) “Heart of gold” (from Henry V)
Shakespeare’s Language..Continued “Kill with kindness” (from The Taming of the Shrew) “Wild-goose chase” (from Romeo and Juliet) “Love is blind” (from The Merchant of Venice) “In my heart of hearts” (from Hamlet) “In a pickle” (from The Tempest) “Neither here nor there” (from Othello) “I will wear my heart upon my sleeve” (from Othello)
Extension Activity Youtube video – “Shakespeare – Language Tips” Watch the video and answer the question on the worksheet!!