Luis S. Helen L. Rhiannon R. Daniel S. Doran 02/06/2017 The Somme Luis S. Helen L. Rhiannon R. Daniel S. Doran 02/06/2017
THESIS: As a continuation of the Battle of Verdun, the Battle of the Somme was specifically crafted to force the Germans to defend two offensives. As it variably relieved pressure off the French Army at Verdun, the "seemingly" insignificant battle quickly escalated to create the bloody massacre facilitated by vast advancements in weapons and battlefield technology as well as encouraging a stronger sense of nationalism from both sides. Although it is considered by some to have been a pointless battle, the Somme provided the proving grounds for new tactics and equipment while providing the strategic edge that the Allies needed to defeat Germany in 1918.
Overview Extension of Battle of Verdun Britain wants to end war fast Plan: Bombard Germans March over No-Man’s-Land for direct attack [plan fails here; Germans still have machine guns] Result: Allies gain a few miles & lose a lot of people but manage to take pressure off Verdun
Purpose While the Battle of Verdun was ongoing, German and Allied generals had a “brilliant” idea Thought they were being smart with their flanking tactics Simply “branched off” and moved a few miles from Verdun The French Army was taking a beating at Verdun so they created a quasi-offensive at the Somme Speed was needed to surprise the Germans but they were just as quick as the Allies Create enough distractions for the Germans while Allied reinforcements arrived to keep pushing
Technology Larger Trucks Artillery Tanks Transport troops & supplies faster Artillery Vast use of artillery to clear lines one by one and prepare for gradual infantry advances. Tanks First use, but ineffective initially Introduced late; didn’t affect WWI much (except at Cambrai) British Mark I armed with “six-pounders” and Lewis Guns
Technology (Continued) The Vickers Gun (British) and the MG-08 (German), mowed down soldiers advancing after heavy shelling Fokker and Albatross biplanes dominated the air with great recon abilities and combat superiority Led British to develop the famous “Sopwith Camel” Field guns in conjunction with machine guns created a wall of flying iron
The Somme River, Southwest of Pas-Des-Calais.
Unfolding “The Germans were under increasing pressure and were forced to redeploy guns and men from Verdun to reinforce their lines.” The British mostly kept a slight advantage throughout but nothing significant “Made by the War Office as a public information film for the home front, "The Battle of the Somme" featured real footage from the war.” Used for propaganda as a result of the carnage Inspired people to end Great War quickly So large and prolonged it can be referred to as an offensive, also known as the Somme Offensive Successful in drawing the Germans out of Verdun but resulted in over 1,000,000 M.I.A. or K.I.A., the bloodiest battle in the Great War (BBC)
Works Cited one/the-battle-of-verdun/