The management of natural increase POPULATION The management of natural increase
Key questions What are anti-natalist and pro-natalist policies? How has China attempted to manage its population increase? What difficulties have been encountered? How successful has the Chinese approach been?
How is natural change managed? POPULATION POLICY Definition: Measures taken by a government to influence the way its population is changing. There are TWO types of population policies: Pro-natalist Policies & Anti-natalist Policies
Pro Natalist Policies Pro Natalist Policy - A policy which aims to encourage more births through the use of incentives. In most developed countries, the decline in fertility and the increase in life length has raised three concerns: A decrease in the supply of labour. The socioeconomic implications of population ageing. The long term prospect of population decline and demise.
Pro-natalist Policies You can not physically force people to have children, so pro-natalist policies normally work by offering several incentives. Incentives may include: Money Extended maternity and paternity leave and pay (maternity leave is time off work given to the mother after she has given birth, paternity leave is time off given to the partner after the mother has given birth - in most countries paternity leave is very short (maybe 2 weeks and often unpaid) Free or subsidised childcare Free or subsidised education and healthcare
anti Natalist Policies Anti Natalist Policy - A policy which aims to discourage more births through the use of penalties and incentives. The most famous example of this is the Chinese ‘One Child Policy’, however many other countries have in the past had anti natalist policies eg: Japan, Singapore & India
TASK Learners must know a case study of one country’s population policy regarding natural increase, showing the difficulties they faced and an evaluation of the attempted solution(s). The case study must include attempts to alter the natural increase and to manage the results of population change. It should include: the history of population growth and change in the case study country population data to substantiate the case for population management the population structure of the country including birth rate and death rate and life expectancies an analysis of change over time with a discussion of reasons the controls, resulting population changes and how the country has managed these a discussion of the consequences of the policy, especially successes and/or failures e.g. gender imbalance, ageing population, rural/urban migration.
CHINA – One child policy 1979 - 2016 A slogan on a village building outside Baise in southwest China, reads, "Keep the birth rate low to enhance the quality of the population."
‘This house believes that the one child policy has been a success’ DEBATE ‘This house believes that the one child policy has been a success’
Questions to answer in your group What is the historical picture of population growth and change? How has Chinas population changed over time? What population data can you find to justify why the one child policy was needed? What is the population structure of the country including birth rate and death rate and life expectancies – try to pick three possible time phases – before 1979, mid 1990’s, now Explain the reasons for the change in China’s population over time How did the one Child Policy work? What was it? How did the government organise its implementation? What population changes has the policy brought about? What are the consequences of the policy, especially successes and/or failures e.g. gender imbalance, ageing population, rural/urban migration.
Past Papers – Page 17 Question 4 4 Fig. 4 shows the impact of different levels of fertility on population structure. (a) State two features of the population structure diagram for low fertility in Fig. 4. [2] (b) Using data from Fig. 4, describe the impact of the three different levels of fertility on the population structure at 20 years of age. [3] (c) Explain why countries may aim to increase the fertility rate. [5]
Past paper ESSAYS – page 1 question 10 10 (a) (i) Explain the meaning of the term infant mortality rate. [3] (ii) Give two reasons why infant mortality rates are very low in MEDCs. [4] (b) Explain why improving the education of women helps to reduce their fertility rate. [8] (c) With the help of an example, assess the success of one attempt to manage natural increase. [10]
Past paper ESSAYS – page 4 question 10 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term death rate. [2] (ii) Describe how the death rate changes in the demographic transition model. [5] (b) Suggest reasons for the recent increases in mortality rates in some LEDCs and MEDCs. [8] (c) Explain why it is easier for government action to decrease the death rate rather than decrease the birth rate. [10]