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Presentation transcript:


Objectives 1. explain why proper identification of waterfowl is necessary for the sportsman and the birdwatcher; 2. label the parts of the waterfowl; 3. discuss four distinct areas of waterfowl behavior that assist the observer with proper identification of the species; 4. identify waterfowl species from six categories; 5. explain how hunting limitations for waterfowl are established; 6. elaborate on the policies used to regulate waterfowl hunting; and 7. identify and explain the legal and illegal means of hunting waterfowl.

Identification As with many birds, the males are often more colorful than the females

Parts of the Waterfowl

Identification Factors Ducks are harder to identify than geese. Ducks fly faster with a faster wing beat. Also, color markings on geese are simpler than ducks. The four factors that help identify ducks are: flock pattern, silhouettes, color areas, and sound

Flock Patterns Three types waving lines to temporary V’s, small compact bunches, follow-the-leader formation

Silhouette A silhouette is the outline of a duck’s features. Silhouettes are helpful during the early morning hours.

Sound Sound is more than the way ducks quack. Ducks can also whistle, squeal, or grunt. Their sound in flight also can be used to identify species.

Color Color can be a difficult way to identify ducks because of their fast flight. It leaves little time to identify and then shoot. With practice, key color areas, size, and location can make identification easier. Drakes have brighter color patterns than hens.

Tree Ducks

Tree Ducks Tree ducks have long pink legs and erect necks. The sound of their voice gives them the name “whistling ducks.”

Black-bellied Tree Duck Black-bellied tree ducks have a white head with a rusty crest and a black belly The upper wings have prominent white feathering They nest in tree cavities or in marsh areas

Fulvous Tree Duck broad creamy stripe on the side and a white ring at the tail base. Does not roost in trees prefers grass or marsh areas.

Surface-Feeding Ducks

Surface-Feeding Ducks Also known as puddle ducks, surface-feeding ducks prefer shallow water habitat. They are good divers, but prefer to feed on vegetation by dabbling or tipping. When they take flight, they launch themselves directly upward.

Mallard green head and narrow white collar. grayish with a purplish-brown breast The hen is mottled brown with a whitish tail. They may reach 24 inches and weigh 2 ¾ pounds

Pintail easily recognized by the needle point tail white on the breast extends to a point on the side of their head Females are mottled brown with white on outer borders of secondary's

Black Duck white wing linings are visible in flight Wings have a metallic violet patch, while the body is sooty-brown and the head is gray-brown. Black ducks and mallards are often seen together.

Widgeons two species of widgeons European widgeon American widgeon Both have pale blue bills with black tips Female widgeons can be confused with gadwall and pintail species Their fast, nervous flight resembles that of a pigeon

American European

Shoveler (Spoonbills) small puddle ducks. They get their name from their spoon-shaped bill. Males are black and white with blackish-green heads and a pale blue patch on the forewing. Females are mottled brown with large, pale blue wing patches.

Shoveler (Spoonbills)

Teals Teals are the smallest of puddle ducks with a 14 to 15 ounce body that measures only 16 inches in length. There are three species of teal: blue-winged teal, cinnamon teal, and green-winged teal.

Blue-winged Teal Blue-winged teal have a white crescent in front of their eyes and a large chalky-blue patch on the forewings. Females are mottled brown and also have the large blue patch on the forewings.

Cinnamon Teal are dark cinnamon-red in color. They have a chalky-blue patch on the fore edge of wings. The female is mottled brown with a pale blue wing patch.

Green-winged Teal Green-winged teal males are gray with brown heads that have a green patch in sunlight. They have a white mark in front of the wings and a creamy-colored patch towards the tail. The female is speckled. Both male and female have an iridescent green speculum

Green-winged Teal

Objectives 1. explain why proper identification of waterfowl is necessary for the sportsman and the birdwatcher; 2. label the parts of the waterfowl; 3. discuss four distinct areas of waterfowl behavior that assist the observer with proper identification of the species; 4. identify waterfowl species from six categories; 5. explain how hunting limitations for waterfowl are established; 6. elaborate on the policies used to regulate waterfowl hunting; and 7. identify and explain the legal and illegal means of hunting waterfowl.

Gadwall They are referred to as “gray mallards” because of their size and color pattern. Gadwalls are one of the first species to migrate and do not like cold weather. They are the only puddle duck with a white speculum. Their bodies are gray with black rumps.


Wood Duck Wood ducks are the most highly colored ducks in North America. Males have a crested head with strange face patterns. They perch in trees and can fly through timber with great speed. They eat acorns, berries, and grapes. There are fewer wood ducks in the Central Flyway than in other flyways.

Wood Duck

Diving Ducks

Diving Ducks Diving ducks prefer deep water habitats. Their wing patches lack the brilliance of the puddle ducks. They will dive rapidly to escape danger. When they take to flight, they will “run” across the surface of the water. Diving ducks use their huge feet as rudders in flight

Canvasback The canvasback male has a white back from which it gets its name. Its head and neck are rusty in color and the breast is black. Females are grayish in color with a hint of red on the head and neck.

Ring-necked Duck Ring-necks have a white ring on their bills and males have a faint brown ring on their necks. Ring-necks winter through most of Texas, avoiding the northern Panhandle. Ring-neck males have a black back, head, and chest. Females are brown and have white eye-rings.

Ring-necked Duck

Redhead Duck Redhead drakes have a chestnut-colored head, black breast, and gray back. Hens are brownish in color. Both have a black tip on their bills. This species migrates south to winter along coastal bays of South Texas.

American Goldeneye male is white with a black back and blackish-green head. A large white patch before the eye is distinguishing. The common goldeneye shows larger white patches on the wing than the Barrow’s goldeneye.

Bufflehead one of the smallest ducks. mostly white with a black back and head which has a large white patch that extends from the eye around the back of the head Unlike other diving ducks, the bufflehead can fly straight up to take flight

Common Merganser the largest of the mergansers. The bill and feet are red Male mergansers have white bodies with black backs and green-black heads Females have crested gray heads

Red-breasted Merganser prefers coastal areas. The male has a greenish-black crested head, a wide white collar, a rusty-colored breast Females are gray with large, square, white wing patches

Hooded Merganser prefers inland waters. male has a black back and head which has a white crest breast is white with two vertical black bars. The flanks are brownish colored.

Ruddy Duck male may be a rusty or gray color with a black or dark cap depending on season. has white cheeks and a blue bill Females are gray with light cheeks that have a dark line


Geese Geese are larger than ducks They fly in a V-formation and are very vocal both sexes look alike They feed largely on grain and stubble fields

Canada Goose largest of the geese, weighing about 12 pounds loud vocal sound gives them the nickname “honkers.” are grayish-brown with a light-colored breast head and neck are black with a white mark on the side of the head

Canada Goose

White-fronted Goose often referred to as a “specklebelly.” legs are bright orange or yellow, unlike other goose species. is a gray-brown color with irregular black bars on the belly. It has a pink bill and white patch on the front of its face.

Snow Goose two sub-species of snow geese, the greater snow goose and the lesser snow goose The greater snow goose migrates along the Atlantic Coast The lesser snow goose populates the rest of the continent. are white with black wing tips and sometimes have a rusty color on their heads.

Snow Goose

Brant about the size of a mallard and prefers the coastal areas. The black brant and the Atlantic brant are the only true varieties of brant

Ross’ Goose is also mallard-size and similar in appearance to the larger snow goose, except without the black “lips.” casual visitor to Texas, preferring California for its winter grounds.

Other Migratory Game Birds Seasons, shooting hours, and bag limits are set for other waterfowl besides ducks and geese. Sandhill cranes, coots, woodcocks, and snipes are late season migratory game birds. All are edible and considered very tasty.