RED KAYAK CHPTRS 7-11 PLOT NOTES CHARACTER QUOTES Chapter 7 Summarize the newspaper story BRADY: Include 2 cited quotes from page 46 that imply character traits for Brady. Summarize Brady’s conversation with Principal Owen at his locker that morning. Summarize what happened at the assembly and how it made Brady feel. Paraphrase how Brady felt about J.T. & Digger’s treatment of him in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 Paraphrase Brady’s Mom’s appearance & actions at the beginning of Chapter 8. Brady’s Mom: Include a quote from pg. 50 that implies (through her actions) her love for Brady Brady: Include a quote that explains how Brady USUALLY feels on the water Include the quotes where Brady screams and then accuses the river. Include Brady’s estimation of the river’s reaction to the event. Paraphrase Brady’s reaction to the news his mother gives him. Describe the river as it appears to Brady in Chapter 8. Paraphrase the last paragraph of Chapter 8 Chapter 9 What does Brady need from his dad in Chapter 9. TOM PARKS: quote the paragraph on page 55 in which Brady discusses Tom’s reaction to discussing “feelings and stuff like that.“ Summarize what happened to Amanda and how Brady’s family has dealt with the loss. QUOTATION MARK TIP: If you are transcribing a quotation inside of another quotation, enclose the inside quotation with single quotation marks. Example: “The theme of story was stated by Bobby when he announced, ‘In a war, no one really wins. My Mamma used to say, ‘In war there are only losers.’ I think she was right’ “ (Mill 281). INFERENCE:Brady skips school to talk – Given what we read in chapters 4, 5 & 6, is this a big deal for him? What does that imply about how important it is to him to talk Paraphrase the reason Brady gives for throwing the crabs overboard.
PLOT NOTES CHARACTER QUOTES Chapter 10 Summarize the basic problem that the Parks family has with communication. TOM PARKS: PG. 63 last two sentences of the first paragraph. Brady’s assessment of his parent’s ability to communicate. INFERENCE: Why do you think Brady’s parents asked Carl to talk to him after he threw the crabs off the boat? CARL: pg. 64 first three lines: Brady’s description of Carl. Paraphrase the advice that Carl gives Brady. Who gave Brady similar advice earlier in the book and in what chapter was the similar advice given? Summarize Brady and J.T.’s conversation on pages 67 & 68, what Brady learns later from Kate on pages 69 and Brady’s reaction. Chapter 11 Paraphrase why Brady didn’t attend Amanda’s funeral, what he did instead, and how he feels about it. Summarize Brady’s trip with Carl and his Aunt Tracy. Summarize why Brady’s mom feels she understands why Mrs. DiAngelo is by herself at the house and Mr. DiAngelo is staying in Virginia. Paraphrase Brady’s actions after he learns Mrs. DiAngelo is by herself. What does Brady’s Dad accuse Brady and his friends of doing? Paraphrase the Brady’s Mom’s explanation of why Tom Parks is stressed on page 78. Summarize pages 79 & 80. Brady’s Mom: quote the advice she gives Brady in Pizza Hut. CARL: include ONE quote that includes 2 paragraphs from page 73. 1st paragraph = Carl’s description of his mother and what makes her happy. 2nd paragraph = Brady’s thoughts about his aunt & and Carl. BRADY: the last paragraph on page 79 Chapter 12 Paraphrase the email Mrs. DiAngelo sent Brady Summarize the holiday dinner the Parks shared with the DiAngelos. Summarize Brady’s first day of work for Mrs. DiAngelo. Why did Tiny Tim end up living in Brady’s basement? Paraphrase Brady’s explanation about butterfly gardens. Summarize Brady’s conversation with him mom on pages 90 – 91. Tom Parks : quote Tom’s attitude prior to the dinner with the DiAngelos to the wealthy people who have been building homes in the area. Brady’s Mom: Brady’s explanation of what she believes about butterflies and little spirits. Quote Brady’s exclamation when he stops scrubbing the dishes to turn around to confront his mother.