UK Student Health Plan (SHP) Chavae Mock Administrator, SHP Office Devon Bailey Coordinator, SHP Office
Start at University Health Services (UHS) UHS- University Health Services = Least Expensive: Little to NO COST Deductible is waived Benefits will be paid at 100% for covered services Physician Office Visits Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment Visits Care for minor injuries (example: suturing of laceration) Colposcopy Some laboratory tests Some Immunization vaccines Women's Preventative Services Treatment and Supplies for tobacco use
Why UHS? As a full-time student, the fee for UHS is already included in your tuition. If you’re paying for it, you may as well use it! Where is UHS? The physical address is 830 South Limestone St. The common address is “the building directly across from the Speedway gas station”
What is SHP? The Student Health Plan (SHP) is a PPO health coverage plan offered to students of the University of Kentucky. Customized by UK to complement the mandatory health fee which allows you access to the services provided by University Health Services (UHS). Provides coverage for matters beyond the health fee such as X-rays, hospitalization, surgical procedures, etc.
Why do I need the SHP? The SHP works well in conjunction with your Student Health Plan. Fixing a broken leg without any medical coverage costs a national average of $7,500. Using the costs in the example above, purchasing and using the SHP coverage with a UK provider could save you as much as $6,000. Your out of pocket cost could range from $1,500 to $2,000.
Eligibility and Enrollment
How Do I Aquire The SHP? Open enrollment for the SHP is 12/01/2016 – 01/31/2017. You must go online to to enroll. If you do not wish to have to have the coverage, you simply do nothing. Please be aware that your department may require to provide proof of other coverage if you do not apply for the SHP.
Enrollment Continued The Spring 2017 coverage period is 01/01/2017 – 08/14/2017. The premium cost is $1,343.00. AHP does offer a payment installment plan for the Spring semester. The plan is setup through AHP, not the University, and includes a $12 processing fee per month.
International Students If you are an international student here on a F1, J1 or J2 visa, you will be automatically enrolled in the coverage and the premium will be charged to your UK tuition account. If you have other coverage and do not wish to have the SHP, you MUST apply for a waiver through the AHP website! Please note that applying does not guarantee approval.
Can I buy this plan for my family? (Dependents) YES! Husband, Wife, and Children only. The Cost for dependent coverage is the same as the cost for Student coverage
Plan Structure and Using the Plan
What is a PPO? This policy is a PPO: preferred provider organization. UHS, UK clinic and UK hospital physicians are the in-area preferred providers. You can incur significantly higher costs away from UK.
Preferred Providers UHS, UK Clinic and UK Hospital physicians are the in-area preferred providers. If you need an appointment, call UHS first. 323-2778 If you need a different medical service or provider, call 257-1000 to find a UK Clinic or Hospital provider. Using the UK Student Health Plan away from UK medical providers will be more expensive!
Deductible “Deductible” is the amount you pay before your Health Plan will pay their portion. You pay your deductible “first.” $0 at UHS Providers $100 at UK Providers $500 at Anthem In-Network Providers $1,000 at Out-of-Network Providers
Coinsurance “Coinsurance” is the percentage of medical expenses you pay after the deductible is met. 0 % at UHS! 20% at UK Providers 35% at Anthem In-Network Providers 50% at Out-of-Network
Prescription Benefit (Rx) Your cost is based on the provider network and drug tier Some birth control options available for free
What are my options for Providers?
How do I know what the Plan covers? The answer – by reviewing the plan document!!! Available at Very important document!!
How will I receive policy information? Create account on the ARC website at Documents are not mailed out. Must be obtained by student. System includes: ID Cards Claim letters EOB statements
Don’t Pay Too Much Be aware of Limitations and Exclusions. Having health coverage is not a golden ticket. Beware of “helpful” advice from friends. Just because your friend had something done for one price does not mean that the same will apply to you.
Don’t Pay Too Much Your coverage will not pay for care in the Emergency Room if you do not have an emergency medical condition as defined in your plan brochure. For example: headache=NO broken leg=YES
Need Help? Read the plan brochure All the tools you will need are available 24 hours a day at: and Read the plan brochure Find a doctor if you are away from UK Buy the plan for your family Print or request replacement ID cards Contact Information
AHP Mobile App
We Are Here To Help Contact SHP Office
In a Nutshell UK’s physicians and pharmacies will save you money. Instead of memorizing, know how to locate your resources. Ask questions as preparation instead of panic. Covered does not mean free. WE ARE HERE TO HELP!! The Student Health Plan office can be reached at
Questions ?
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