What do you think is happening in this picture? A view of concentration camp prisoners marching through a village while on a death march from Dachau to Wolfratshausen. The photo was taken through the upstairs window of a private home along the death march route.
How did the Holocaust end? In your exercise books write the title “How did the Holocaust end?” Look at the map. Why do you think the Nazis forced prisoners on death marches? Write a sub-title, “Death Marches”. Write a brief explanation of what the death marches were Listen to the account of Lilly Malnick, a female prisoner. Make notes to summarise her story.
How did the Holocaust end? Watch this video What is happening in this video clip?
Liberation American soldiers entering Buchenwald upon liberation of the camp. Why do you think the Americans liberated this camp. Look at the map to help you. April 11, 1945. Buchenwald, Germany
Watch the animation and answer the questions on your sheet
LIBERATION: How do you think the Americans felt in this photograph? Mauthausen survivors cheer the soldiers of the Eleventh Armored Division of the U.S. Third Army one day after their actual liberation. May 6, 1945. Mauthausen, Austria
LIBERATION: How do you think the Americans would have felt as they took this photograph? An emaciated survivor drinking from a metal bowl in front of a barracks in Buchenwald. April 11, 1945-June 1945 Source: National Archives and Records Administration
How did the Holocaust end? What do you think is happening in this photograph and in the film clip? The defendants in the dock listen to proceedings at the International Military Tribunal trial of war criminals at Nuremberg. November 10, 1945-October 1, 1946. Nuremberg, Germany
The Nuremberg Trials Where did the trial take place? When did the trial take place? How many Nazis were put on trial? What happened to 3 of the Nazis? What nationality was the Chief Prosecutor? How long did the trial last? What 4 nations made up the International Tribunal? What crimes were they accused of committing? What punishments did they receive? Do you think all German people were guilty of crimes against humanity?
Who was responsible for the Holocaust? Hitler committed suicide in April 1945, just a few days before the end of the war so was never put on trial Heinrich Himmler was captured by the British in 1945 but he too killed himself Heydrich was assassinated by Czech resistance fighters in 1942 Goering committed suicide in his cell
How did the Holocaust happen? Read the information about the possible factors explaining how the Holocaust could have happened Which one of the factors do you think was the most important? Which one the least? Make them into a diamond shape with the most important at the top and the least important at the bottom
PLENARY Read Source F. Which opinion do you agree with and why?
Homework Write up a section about how the Holocaust ended. Include information on the following: Liberation Nuremberg Trials Try to include at least one personal account