The Renaissance & the Reformation
The Italian Renaissance The Northern Renaissance The Protestant Reformation The English Reformation The Catholic Reformation 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Early knowledge studied by Renaissance scholars The Italian Renaissance for 100 Early knowledge studied by Renaissance scholars Greco-Roman
The Italian Renaissance for 200 Ideal Renaissance man, he was a painter, sculptor, inventor, scientist, architect. . . Leonardo
City where the Renaissance first flourished The Italian Renaissance for 300 City where the Renaissance first flourished Florence
The Italian Renaissance for 400 The main philosophy of the Renaissance, focused on human dignity and ability Humanism
The Italian Renaissance for 500 A new way of showing objects in art as they appeared at different distances Perspective
New machine that allowed books to be produced quickly and more cheaply The Northern Renaissance 100 New machine that allowed books to be produced quickly and more cheaply Printing Press
Characteristic of literature from the Northern Renaissance Satires, called for reforms
Court painter for Henry VIII known for his “photographic” realism The Northern Renaissance 300 Court painter for Henry VIII known for his “photographic” realism Holbein
Book by English humanist Thomas More that described an ideal society. The Northern Renaissance 400 Book by English humanist Thomas More that described an ideal society. Utopia
The Northern Renaissance 500 Dutch scholar who wrote the satire In Praise of Folly calling for the RCC to reform itself. Erasmus
German monk who started the Protestant Reformation The Protestant Reformation for 100 German monk who started the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther
Subject of the Ninety-five Theses The Protestant Reformation for 200 Subject of the Ninety-five Theses Sale of Indulgences
The Protestant Reformation for 300 Religious faith chosen by most northern German rulers/southern rulers following the Peace of Augsburg N-Lutheran, S-Catholic
Calvin’s belief about human fate The Protestant Reformation for 400 Calvin’s belief about human fate predestination
Government ruled by clergy acting in God’s name as in Geneva. The Protestant Reformation for 500 Government ruled by clergy acting in God’s name as in Geneva. theocracy
Leader of the reformation in England and why English Reformation for 100 Leader of the reformation in England and why Henry VIII, wanted divorce/male heir
Ruler of England when the Anglican Church was formed English Reformation for 200 Ruler of England when the Anglican Church was formed Elizabeth I
English Reformation for 300 Religious faith of Mary I (Tudor) and what happened when she became queen. Catholic, persecuted Protestants
Henry VIII son who succeeded him and turned England Protestant English Reformation for 400 Henry VIII son who succeeded him and turned England Protestant Edward VI
Rhyme English children use to remember the six wives of Henry VIII English Reformation for 500 Rhyme English children use to remember the six wives of Henry VIII Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived
Body that examined people who disagreed with the RCC—tried heretics The Catholic Reformation for 100 Body that examined people who disagreed with the RCC—tried heretics Inquisition
The Catholic Reformation for 200 Spanish noble who devoted himself to Church reforms and founded the Society of Jesus Ignatius of Loyola
Nickname for the new religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola The Catholic Reformation for 300 Nickname for the new religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola Jesuits
The Catholic Reformation for 400 Meeting of Church leaders to answer questions raised by Protestants—confirmed Church doctrines Council of Trent
List of books the Church forbade Catholics to read The Catholic Reformation for 500 List of books the Church forbade Catholics to read The Index
Double Jeopardy
Protestant Faiths Definition Please Author, Author Art-lingo Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Definition Please for 100 Secular worldly
Definition Please for 200 Vernacular Local language
Definition Please for 300 Indulgence pardon
Humanism Definition Please for 400 Study of Greco-Roman culture, glorified human body and mind
Definition Please for 500 Utopia (in Greek) No-place
Ninety-five Theses Author, Author for 100 Arguments against the sale of indulgences, Martin Luther
Author, Author for 200 Author of The Prince, a book advising rulers on how to keep power by any means necessary Machiavelli
Italian who wrote a handbook on correct behavior title The Courtier Author, Author for 300 Italian who wrote a handbook on correct behavior title The Courtier Castiglione
Author, Author for 400 English playwright who demonstrated his fascination with human motivation in his Greco-Roman style plays Shakespeare
Author, Author for 500 “Father of Humanism”—wrote sonnets and was an authenticator of Greek and Roman manuscripts Petrarch
Art-lingo for 100 A Madonna Mary with baby Jesus
Art-lingo for 200 A pieta Mary with crucified Jesus
Patron—such as Lorenzo di Medici Art-lingo for 300 Patron—such as Lorenzo di Medici Supporter of arts
Art-lingo for 400 Fresco Painting on wet plaster
Realism, sculpture in nude glorifying the human body, proportional Art-lingo for 500 Realism, sculpture in nude glorifying the human body, proportional humanistic
First Protestant church formed Protestant Faiths for 100 First Protestant church formed Lutheran
Followers of Calvin in France were called this Protestant Faiths for 200 Followers of Calvin in France were called this Hugunots
Called for separation of church and state; believed in adult baptism Protestant Faiths for 300 Called for separation of church and state; believed in adult baptism Anabaptists
Official name of the Church of England Protestant Faiths for 400 Official name of the Church of England Anglican
Adherents of predestination Protestant Faiths for 500 Adherents of predestination Calvinists
German who first printed books from movable type Potpourri for 100 German who first printed books from movable type Johann Gutenberg
French-born leader of the Protestant movement in Switzerland Potpourri for 200 French-born leader of the Protestant movement in Switzerland John Calvin
The way to gain salvation, according to Luthur Potpourri for 300 The way to gain salvation, according to Luthur Faith alone
Meeting that condemned Luther Potpourri for 400 Meeting that condemned Luther Diet of Worms
Potpourri for 500 Term used to describe a ruler who uses any means necessary to gain and keep power Machiavellian