IPM-612 : INTRODUCTION Integrated Control First defined by Stern et al,1959 as Applied pest control which combines and integrates Biological and Chemical control Since then more than 70 Definitions of IPC, PM, and IPM have been proposed by different scientists. WIDELY ACCEPTED DEFINATION FAO, 1969, define IPM as Integrated Pest Management is a pest management system, that in context of associated environment and population dynamics of pest species, utilizes all suitable techniques and methods, in as compatible manner as possible , and maintain pest population at level below those causing Economic Injury.
BASIC ELEMENTS OF IPM An IPM comprised of 6 basic Elements 1: PEOPLE : As System devisor and pest manager. 2: KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION : Necessary to devise the system and make sound management decision 3: PROGRAMME FOR MONITORING : Programme for monitoring the number and state of Ecosystems
4: DECISION MAKING LEVEL : The pest density at which control measures are put in to action i.e. ETL and EIL strategies and approaches. Strategies : Prevention , Suppression, and Eradication. Approaches : Ecosystem Approach, Cost : Benefit, and Risk involvement. . 5 : PM METHODS : Tactics used amongst various options like, Physical, Mechanical Cultural, Biological, Chemical etc. 6 : AGENTS AND MATERIALS : The tools of management, Choice of techniques, Specificity
HISTROY OF IPM During ancient time Human had to leave with and tolerate the ravages of insects and other pests. But gradually learn to improve their condition through trial and error. Over the centuries farmers developed a number of mechanical, cultural, physical, and biological control measures to minimized the damage by phytophagous pests.
Contd…. Systhetic organo-chlorin insecticide (DDT) developed during 1939 ,which initially provided spectacular control of these pests. This was followed by the High Yielding Varieties with the increasing use of Fertilizers and Pesticides, resulted in to many fold increase in Productivity. However, this technology has also resulted in aggravation of Pest problems in agril crops Which made compulsory to search for alternatives to pesticides, and the concept of IPM emerged out.
Contd…. HISTROY OF IPM Many components were developed in late 19-20 century. By early 1920, a highly complex and sophisticated system involving the use of multiple pest suppression techniques viz, Resistant varieties, Sanitation practices, and Chemical treatment with calcium arsenate, at fix population level, was clearly developed, for the control of cotton boll weevil in USA. Then in 1939, the idea of Integrated Control was First conceived by Hoskins et al. and they said that biological and Chemical Control are supplementary to each other.
Contd…. Then in 1952 , Michelbacher and Bacon, First time used ‘Integrated Control’ techniques to control , Codling moth,(Cydia pomonella) and the credit of first time use goes to him. Again in 1954 Smith and Allen, stated that “ Integrated control, utilizes all the resources of ecology and satisfactory insect control” Followed by a series of papers to established “Integrated control as a new trend in Entomology”
Contd…. In 1959 . STERN et al., FIRST TIME Defined Integrated Control as “Applied pest control , which combines and Integrates Biological and Chemical control”. This definition was stood stands till 1950, but began to change soon in early 1960’s. As the concept of “Pest Management” & gained acceptance among plant protection specialists.
Contd…. Again in 1961, the idea of managing Insect Pest Population was proposed by Geier and Clark, using the concept of PROTECTIVE POPULATION MANAGEMENT. Where as in 1966, it was shortened to PEST MANAGEMENT by Geier,in 1966 Till mid 1970 both Integrated Control and Integrated Management coexisted as synonyms. The synthesis of these two terms were made by Smith and Vanden Bosch, with the words that “the determination of insect number is broadly under the influence of Total Agro-eco-system and hence is a principle element for IPM
Contd…. Finally in 1972, the term IPM was accepted by scientific community after the Report of COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (CEQ) in 1972. And now from 1994, IPM is accepted widely and being implemented in the form of “Farmers Field School “in India and also in Maharashtra on paddy ,cotton and other crops.