Session VII: Formulation of Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Module 3: Project Formulation/Preparation BunChhoeuth KENG; September 2016
Contents Learning Objective What formulating M&E plan is? Why is it important for formulating M&E plan? How to formulate M&E plan? Exercise
1. Learning Objective Participants will know how to formulate a monitoring and evaluation plan
2. What formulating M&E plan is? Is a process of developing a clear plan for monitoring and evolution of a project. M&E plan concerns setting up the systems and processes to project goal and objectives. It provides the information needed to assess and to guide the project strategy.
3. Why is it important for formulating M&E plan? Ensure planned results are achieved Develop the capacity of those involved Motivate stakeholders Generate shared understanding Generate new knowledge and support learning Ensure accountability Improve and support management
3. Why is it important for formulating M&E plan? Improve focus on priorities Help in determining what success will look like know what and when should be done Foster public and political support (Woodhill, 2000) Help in mitigating and managing crises
4. How to formulate M&E plan? There are nine steps: Step 1: Develop project intervention and framework: Project goal Project objectives Project outputs Project activities Inputs See example in the next slide
4. How to formulate M&E plan? Example of project intervention framework Inputs Activities Outputs Objective (outcome level) Goal (Impact level) Funding Time Training/ meetings Human Materials Select communities Select focal persons Train focal persons Train communities 3 gender trainings 10 Gender focal persons To develop capacity of women on To promote equality and equity among men and women
4. How to formulate M&E plan? Step 2: Develop SMART Input indicators Activities indicators Output indicators Outcome Indicators Impact Indicators See example in the next slide
4. How to formulate M&E plan? Example of project intervention framework Inputs Activities Outputs Objective (outcome level) Goal (Impact level) Indicators (SMART indicators) 3 trainers 60 trainees, 30 of whom were women. Budget plan Number of activities Number of trainings Record of expenditures For example: 35 out of 56 women participants.. By the end the project, 50% of women in the target areas.. 30% of men in target areas helped their wives Increase in number of communities who demonstrate respect for women
4. How to formulate M&E plan? Step 3: Identify information Step 4: Identify informants Step 5: Identify data collection methods Step 6: Identify responsible persons and time Step 7: Identify data analysis methods Step 8: Identify report writing process See an example of an M&E plan at the next slide
4. How to formulate M&E plan? Example of a Monitoring and evaluation plan Information needed informants Data collection Responsibility Frequency Data analysis Reporti ng What do we need? Who can provide? How to collect data? Who will do? How often? How to analyze data? How to report? Significant changes Women who received training Semi-structured interview Focused group discussions Observation in communities Informal dialogue Field staff Trainers External consultants (if evaluation) Ongoing (for monitoring) When there is external evaluation Quantitative and qualitative data analysis See internal versus external reporting
4. How to formulate M&E plan? Internal versus external reporting There will be a detail discussion on monitoring report in Module 4: Project Monitoring & Evaluation. Internal Reporting External Reporting Primary audience: project team Primary audiences: stakeholders outside of the immediate project team Primary purpose: to inform ongoing project management and decision-making. Primary purpose: for accountability and credibility Content: comprehensive Content: abstracted from internal reports Format: determined by the project team Format: determined by external
5. Exercise Materials: flip chart, markers Exercise type: Small group work Purpose: to practice on formulating M&E plan Activities: Provides introduction to participants Divides participants into five small groups. Each group is responsible for developing a M&E plan
5. Exercise Each group can choose one the below type of projects: Farming and Agriculture Reproductive Health General Health Care (e.g. reduce alcohol consumption, reduce smoking, hygiene, …) Natural Resources Management Strengthening Community Network Each group can use M&E plan format in the next slide
5. Exercise Monitoring and evaluation plan format Data needed informants Data collection Responsibility Frequency Data analysis Reporting What do we need? Who can provide? How to collect data? Who will do? How often? How to analyze data? How to report?
References Natural Solutions Pacific. (2013). Guidelines for Developing Project Proposals. Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme. UNDP. (2009). Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Resutls. United Nations Development Programme. Woodhill, J. (2000). Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating Programmes and Projects. International Union for Conservation of Nature.