UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT MAP 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Understanding the world around us 8th grade science Scientific Inquiry Cells Scientific method Independent variable Dependent variable Controlled experiment Hypothesis Observation Inference Conclusion Control group Experimental group How scientists find answers to their questions. Scientific Method Graphing Independent vs. Dependent variables Lab Skills Lab Safety Measurement Microscopes Metric Ruler & Graduated Cylinder What is the difference between an independent and dependent variable? A control group and an experimental group? How do you accurately measure an object and a liquid? What steps should be taken when viewing a specimen under a microscope? What steps should be taken to properly complete a graph? Sequence & order Accuracy Comparison
The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map NAME DATE 9 is about... 10 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10