University of Central Florida College of Arts and Humanities New Faculty Orientation CAH Dean’s Office August 18, 2016
Introductions Dean’s Office Jeffrey Moore, Dean Lyman Brodie, Executive Associate Dean Lynn Hepner, Associate Dean Nancy Stanlick, Associate Dean Rudy McDaniel, Assistant Dean Cathy Radzai, Assistant Dean
General Overview of CAH NFO The administrative members of the CAH Dean’s Office have distinct areas of responsibility. For questions and assistance with any of these areas, contact the dean’s office. The reason for this new faculty orientation session is to be sure you have essential information that you’ll need specific to CAH.
Jeffrey Moore, Dean Dean, Administrative Oversight Curriculum, Research, Hiring, Budget, Personnel, Technology, and all other areas. General CAH Information Inter-College Relations and Off-Campus Relations Planning and Growth Management Mentorship Additional Information: CAH Dean's Office Administration & Staff Mission and Vision of CAH
Cathy Radzai, Assistant Dean Budget Director and Personnel Administration Faculty and Staff Records Operational Expenditures Employment Agreements Hiring Processing Travel PCards Payroll Approval Foundation Additional Information: Policies and Procedures Human Resources
Rudy McDaniel, Assistant Dean Information Technology, Promotional Activities, Research, and Texts and Technology Ph.D. Program Director, Texts and Technology Ph.D. Program Technology Policies CAH Technology Computer Security, Support, and Troubleshooting Public Relations – marketing and communications Web and Social Media Director of Research Director of Research Programs/Services: Kristin Wetherbee 407-823-0908 CAH Research Office of Research and Commercialization
Nancy Stanlick, Associate Dean Assessment, Faculty and Staff Affairs, Property and Inventory, SACS, Student Appeals, TIP Award, et al. Faculty Relations/Employee Relations Student Affairs, Including Title IX Property and Inventory TIP Award Process Management CAH and Program Assessment Faculty Qualifications Management & SACS Accreditation Compliance CAH Personnel Security (shared with Neida Mora-Maus) SPOI – Student Perception of Instruction
Lynn Hepner, Associate Dean Academic Planning, Graduate Studies, Scheduling & Enrollment Management, Undergraduate Programs Curriculum management & course development New program development and university-mandated academic program review Scheduling & Enrollment management Oversight of graduate and undergraduate programs Liaison to regional campuses and area colleges Annual Reporting General Graduate Policies and Procedures CAHSA Supervision (including SVAD Advising)
Lyman Brodie, Executive Associate Dean Area Studies, Community Relations, Diversity, Student and Staff Affairs Area Studies and Initiatives Commencement Excellence Awards Promotion and Tenure SoTL Awards CAH Scholarships Student Awards: Founder’s Day Awards, Lead Scholars, Order of Pegasus Awards Legal Issues, MOU/Agreements
Teaching Essentials FCTL's “Semester Essentials” (syllabi, rosters, policies & procedures) FCTL's Faculty Resources Student Information Forms are available from department, CAHSA, or CAH Graduate Office such as: Change of grade Incomplete grade (online grading system) Independent study Override approval CAH Faculty Development