Presented by: The SMAA Workgroup


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Presentation transcript:

Presented by: The SMAA Workgroup LGA MAA/TCM Annual Conference 2017 SMAA: What’s New? Presented by: The SMAA Workgroup

Agenda The new released SMAA manual The RMTS System SMAA-What’s New? Agenda The new released SMAA manual The RMTS System Reviewing the RMTS invoices Reviewing the backcast invoices Comprehensive Audit File Other Topics

SMAA Manual Recently approved by CMS Effective January 1, 2015 SMAA-What’s New? Recently approved by CMS Effective January 1, 2015 Designed to clarify and enhance school staff participation Requires RMTS as the only authorized claiming methodology in California Defines RMTS implementation Clarifies coding of IEP related activities

SMAA Manual SMAA-What’s New? Enhanced reimbursement (75%) rate for Medi-Cal related translation activities Limits claimable amount for vendor fees (15%) Clarifies proper claiming of administrative fees charged to claiming unit Record Retention – five years after the date of payment for that claim New RMTS invoice

The RMTS System SMAA-What’s New? The RMTS System Software Platform is a computer-based system that utilizes the Internet to generate and catalog time survey moments Public Consulting Group (PCG) is our current system provider

The RMTS System Levels of Access LEA Coordinators LGA Coordinators SMAA-What’s New? Levels of Access LEA Coordinators LGA Coordinators RMTS Host/Admin. Hub. DHCS PCG (system provider) Fairbanks (coders) TSPs – through a LINK only when submitting their moments

The RMTS System SMAA-What’s New? The LGA Coordinator performs time survey management through the RMTS system. Utilization of the system includes but not limited to: Monitoring moments Resending moments Vacating TSPs and moments Monitoring compliance Downloading multiple reports

Reviewing The RMTS Invoice SMAA-What’s New? Accurate Time Survey percentages for each code – LGA SMAA Collaborative results TSP Roster – use the Quarterly Participant Snapshot (QPS) report TSP Roster for Averaged Quarter Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) Medi-Cal Percentage Signature pages

Reviewing The RMTS Invoice SMAA-What’s New? Accurate Time Survey percentages for each code – LGA SMAA Collaborative results TSP Roster – use the Quarterly Participant Snapshot (QPS) report TSP Roster for Averaged Quarter Vendor Fee Calculation (15% limit); annualized starting FY 15/16 ivoice submission Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) Medi-Cal Percentage Signature pages

Reviewing The Backcast Invoice SMAA-What’s New? Accurate Time Survey percentages for each code Use averaged collaborative results of first four quarters of RMTS: FY 14/15 quarters 3 and 4; FY15/16 quarters 1 (averaged) and 2 No unauthorized job classifications (page 6-6 of the current SMAA manual) TSP Roster (CUFG) for Averaged Quarter (Q1) 15% Vendor Fee limit applies to all deferred invoices

Reviewing The Backcast Invoice SMAA-What’s New? LGA Submission Due Dates: Group 1: June 30, 2017 Deferred invoice claims >$25,000 from SFY 09/10 – SFY 10/11 Group 2: December 31, 2017 Deferred invoice claims >$25,000 from SFY 10/11 All deferred claims from SFY 12/13 Group 3: June 30, 2018 All deferred claims from SFY 13/14

Developing A Comprehensive Audit File (SMAA Manual, Section 7) SMAA-What’s New? Developing A Comprehensive Audit File (SMAA Manual, Section 7) Federal regulations require that all records in support of allowable SMAA activities must be retained for a minimum of five fiscal years after the payment of that claim. If an audit is in progress, or is identified as forthcoming, all records relevant to the audit must be retained throughout the duration of the audit, or the final resolution of all audit exceptions, deferrals and/or disallowances whichever is later.

Developing A Comprehensive Audit File (SMAA Manual, Section 7) SMAA-What’s New? Developing A Comprehensive Audit File (SMAA Manual, Section 7) Each claiming unit must develop an Audit File/Operational Plan (OP) beginning the first quarter in which a time survey is conducted. Each claiming unit must develop and maintain an audit file of comprehensive documents in support of the invoice prior to its submission to DHCS. The OP components are subject to review by the LEC/LGA, DHCS, and/or CMS upon submission of the invoice.

Developing A Comprehensive Audit File (SMAA Manual, Section 7) SMAA-What’s New? Developing A Comprehensive Audit File (SMAA Manual, Section 7) The operational plan should include: RMTS Time Survey Data Duty Statements Invoice documents Refer to pages 7-2 and 7-3 of the SMAA manual for the Audit File/Operational Plan checklist.

Quality Control Three Levels of Review for quality control: SMAA-What’s New? Quality Control Three Levels of Review for quality control: LEA Coordinator Review LGA Review DHCS Review

Quality Control LEA Coordinator Review: SMAA-What’s New? Quality Control LEA Coordinator Review: Ensure that the OP is complete and accurate Accuracy of invoices Complete invoice supporting documents Monitoring moments regularly RMTS response compliance Coding review

Quality Control LGA Coordinator Review: Continuous Training SMAA-What’s New? Quality Control LGA Coordinator Review: Continuous Training Site Visits, desk reviews Accuracy of invoices TSP Universe List Ensure that all LEAs meet the required RMTS response compliance rate Moments Coding Review (10% minimum)

Quality Control DHCS Review: TSP Universe List SMAA-What’s New? Quality Control DHCS Review: TSP Universe List Coding Review ( minimum of 10%) Financial Reporting Documentation Compliance Monitor LGAs at least once every 3 years (site visits or desk reviews)
