What is PMS?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCwKbUVyHLY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O2mvuLamto&NR=1
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) A varied group of physical and psychological symptoms, including abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, headache, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, and depression, that occur from 2 to 10 days before the onset of menstruation and cease shortly after menstruation begins.
Menstruation - The monthly flow of blood and cellular debris (including the unfertilized egg) from the uterine lining that begins at puberty in women. In women, menstruation ceases at menopause.
menstrual cycle a hormone-controlled cycle (beginning at menarche and ending at menopause) in which an egg matures, is released from the ovary, and the endometrial lining of the uterus prepares for pregnancy; if pregnancy does not occur the lining is shed at menstruation; the average menstrual cycle is 28 days
Female Reproductive System
Uterine lining grows
Hormones from pituitary Hormones from ovary
FSH – stimulates follicle to grow a group of cells forming a protective layer around the developing egg FSH – stimulates follicle to grow
The follicle cells release estrogen. - stimulates uterine lining to grow - stimulates pituitary to release LH
LH stimulates ovulation the release of an egg from an ovary occurs midway in the menstrual cycle
LH (leutenizing hormone) stimulates the broken follicle to form the Corpus luteum “yellow body” A yellow, progesterone-secreting mass of cells that forms from a ruptured ovarian follicle after the release of a mature egg.
Corpus luteum “yellow body” Progesterone - stimulates and maintains the thickness of the uterine lining
Ovary STOP! FSH LH Pituitary gland Progesterone Estrogen Negative Feedback Estrogen
What happens to the menstrual cycle if the egg is not fertilized?
Corpus Luteum degenerates What happens to the secretion of estrogen and progesterone? What happens to the uterine lining?
Without estrogen and progesterone what happens to the negative feedback?
Ovary STOP! FSH LH Pituitary gland Progesterone Estrogen Negative Feedback Estrogen
What happens to the menstrual cycle if the egg is fertilized?
embryo releases a hormone that maintains the corpus luteum!
corpus luteum corpus luteum maintained disintegrates Fertilization No fertilization Embryo death of egg embryo secretes no HCG HCG corpus luteum corpus luteum maintained disintegrates
Uterine lining Uterine lining maintained degenerates Progesterone, estrogen progesterone, levels maintained estrogen levels fall Uterine lining Uterine lining maintained degenerates Formation Menstruation of placenta FSH, LH levels rise Placenta secretes Follicle develops Progesterone, estrogen
FSH LH Pituitary gland Ovary STOP! Progesterone Estrogen
Follicle Stage, Ovulation, Corpus Luteum Stage, Menstruation
Place these in the correct order: Ovulation Stage Menstruation (starting with the development of the egg) Ovulation Stage Menstruation Corpus Luteum Stage Follicle Stage
Stages of the Menstrual Cycle Follicle Stage Ovulation Corpus Luteum Stage Menstruation
on the sheet in the right order Activity Place the events on the sheet in the right order
Events in the Menstrual Cycle 1. maturation of follicle 2. estrogen stimulates uterine lining to thicken 3. secretion of luteinizing hormone 4. ovulation occurs 5. formation of corpus luteum
Events in the Menstrual Cycle cont. 6. secretion of progesterone 7. corpus luteum degenerates 8. uterine lining degenerates 9. menstruation occurs 10. secretion of follicle stimulating hormone
1. FSH – stimulates follicle to grow Estrogen – stimulates uterine lining to thicken - stimulates pituitary to release LH LH – stimulates ovulation - stimulates follicle to turn into corpus lutem Progesterone – stimulates/maintains uterine lining
If there isn’t an embryo, what happens to the negative feedback? If there is an embryo, what happens to the negative feedback?
A - FSH B - LH C - Estrogen D - Progesterone