Audit and CAFR Presentation Kathryn Perry, CPA Partner Jump, Perry and Company, LLP
It Isn’t Just a CAFR... CAFR AMR AUDSUM Single Audit Summary Data Collection Form Board Resolution and Corrective Action Plan
It Isn’t Just a CAFR anymore.. Synopsis Audit Firm’s Peer Review
District uploads Homeroom/Repository Cover Letter from CPA PDF CAFR PDF AMR Excel Single Audit Summary PDF Synopsis with CAP and Resolution Peer Review Certifying AUDSUM Data Collection Form
Filing Requirements Due December 5th every year Data Collection Form due within 30 days of audit submission Board resolution must be from a Board meeting within 30 days of audit submission
Things BAs Need to Do Schedule dates with the auditor when your team will be available Write Transmittal letter, put on letterhead and get signed Discuss possible findings during course of audit Discuss Reserves
Things BAs Need to Do Review MD&A Review CAFR/AMR Review Audsum Will roll into your budget Answer Audit Questionnaire Be available to upload into Homeroom
ESTIMATING YEAR END FB Revenues to date 67,000,000 Additional revenue (exclude Extraordinary aid) 7,500 Total revenues 67,007,500 Expenditures to date 52,000,000 May expenditures 7,000,000 June Expenditures Total expenditures 66,000,000 Excess of Rev over Exp 1,007,500 2% of expenditures 1,320,000
ESTIMATING YEAR END FB Prior Year ending total Fund Balance 6,000,0000 Plus excess revenues over expend/less exp over revenues from above 1,007,500 Estimated Year End FB 7,007,500 Less: Reserved FB 2,500,000 Less: PY Excess Surplus 250,000 Less: Maint Res 1,200,000 Less: Cap Reserve 650,000 Less: Tuition Res 325,000 Less: Encumbrances 200,000 Remaining Unreserved 1,882,500 2% from above 1,320,000 difference 562,500
The Auditor is coming
Reports to have ready Secretary’s Report Balance Sheet by fund Annual activity for balance sheet accounts Revenue report by fund Expenditure report by fund – grouped by object FICA reports from DOE Current year and next year budget State Aid Summary
Reports to have ready Ex-Aid and Non public aid Grant reports from DOE Compensated Absences schedule New Leases
Board Secretary Report Needs to be reviewed-look at the balances-does it make sense? Cash-all cash on Treasurers report needs to be included in the BSR and tie monthly If cash transfers occur they need to be made timely and be reflected on the BSR The Accounts Receivable balance needs to reflect actual
Board Secretary Report Fund balance section generally doesn’t reflect all restricted amounts Need to confirm where lease payments are posted, new equipment items posted and if Super or BA salaries are charged to other line items E-cert/reconciliation top W-2 No overexpended line items
Treasurers Report Needs to be reconciled monthly Include all cash accounts Bank reconciliations should have minimal reconciling items Outstanding checks need to be examined after 6 months. NJ Escheat rules need to be followed
Fund Balance Categories Nonspendable fund balance Restricted fund balance Committed fund balance Assigned balance Unassigned balance Governments may not have all categories applicable to a given year.
How do I figure out my Fund Balance Were there entries made against FB during the year? How to roll FB from prior year How to break it out into the proper components
Reserved Fund Balances Tuition Reserves – 2 years 10% max of contract per year Capital Reserve – cannot exceed amount needed to implement the LRFP Maintenance Reserve – max no more than 4% of the replacement cost of buildings Emergency Reserve – max $250,000 Waiver Offset Reserve – for approved waiver request Legally restricted – in budget for next year Debt Service Reserve Have until June 30th to set up
Capital Reserve Separate cash account – not required but easier Interest earned is added to account Be careful to actually withdraw the money if it is used Separate accounting in the footnotes Need resolution/information of withdrawal/add
Excess Surplus How to calculate What Aids are excluded from calculation
Encumbrances How are they audited Need to make sense Next fiscal year expenditures should not be included Auditors do not want to get into a discussion about whether it belongs in encumbrance or not
Auditor Opinions/Reports Opinion on audited financials Opinion on internal controls Opinion on compliance with grant requirements
The NJ Audit Program The 2016-2017 audit program not available yet May be released in July sometime Always read the “Significant Changes” page FYI-The audit program can answer many BOE questions they ask the auditor
Section 1-General Compliance Appointment of Auditor/required audit steps Risk Assessment Internal control testing Fraud analysis Minutes and resolutions The auditor reads all minutes Look for bids, required policies, unusual discussions
Section 1-General Compliance Treasurer Not required Board Secretary takes over roles of Treasurer A Board Designee prepares the bank reconciliation Surety bond on Board Secretary Enough Coverage?
Section 1-General Compliance ASSA, DRTRS and SEMI ASSA Testing can be done in November Depending on size of District this can be very time consuming A specific number of students must be tested The auditor will need to see many IEP’s, private tuition contracts, transportation contracts, free & reduced lunch applications, and ESL/LEP info
Section 1-General Compliance Budgets and Transfers Transfers should be in minutes Any County Superintendent approvals should be provided Transfers to Reserves-Very Important!! Interfund Balances must cancel out CAFR footnote needs to disclose why the interfund
Section 1-General Compliance Bids and Contracts/Purchasing Auditor does test bids Print out a report detailing all vendors being paid in excess of bid threshold State contracts should be used/Consortiums Required review of open purchase orders at year end-Encumbrance Testing w/o QPA $29,000 w/QPA $40,000
Section 1-General Compliance Chart of Accounts/Expenditure Classification Expenditures must be reported in proper account Auditors test voucher packages using the Chart of Accounts Auditor reviews the classification of Administrative Expenditures BA provides salary detail Over expenditures
Section 1-General Compliance Year end Procedures Review open PO’s Review balance sheet accounts Does the state aid equal the state aid report? Has the state aid been reduced properly? Special Revenue Fund-is the AR and Deferred Revenues for each grant calculated Audit entries from PY?
Section 2-Specific Compliance Fund 10 Board Secretary and Treasurers Report Auditor will tie each month out/AMR finding Bank reconciliations Not all cash accounts on Cash Report They all need to be reconciled monthly Petty Cash Need to re-establish July 1
Section 2-Specific Compliance Investments- use only approved Banks Check Banking & Insurance website for list of approved GUDPA banks Revenue Need State Aid report Schedule in J’s of all other revenue Cap Res interest needs to be segregated District Taxes Auditor will confirm with town
Section 2-Specific Compliance Tuition Have available your DOE certified rates Can only have reserve for 2015-16 and 2016-17 On-behalf FICA Obtain schedule from DOE with all reimbursements. Will assist in determining Accts Rec at year end
Section 2-Specific Compliance Compensation Reporting All 1099’s were filed All required payrolls were certified/signed off Get completed W-9’s for all vendors Pensionable Wages Auditor will test pension reports Reviewed as part of payroll testing Employee Contribution for Health Benefits Calculated on base wages/paid monthly to insurance company Provide info on procedures Have a written cafeteria plan
Section 2-Specific Compliance Refunds, e-rate, Cancellations Current year cancellations go against expenditure Prior year are Misc Income Travel Expenditures Tested/Must have Policy Health Insurance Rules on self-insured Sale and lease-back contracts
Section 2-Specific Compliance Required Maintenance Must spend 2% of replacement cost of new facility Required schedule in J’s Reserves Capital reserve, Maint Res, Tuition Res, Emergency Res schedule in CAFR notes Rules for use Excess Surplus 2% of expenditures/minimum $250,000
Section 2-Specific Compliance Fund 20 What goes in Fund 20? Grants should have budgets Teachers salaries charged should relate to grant A grant cannot have Accts Rec and Def Rev TPAF and FICA reimbursement not allowed on Fed grants Calculation, form and payment made to NJ by October 1
Section 2-Specific Compliance Fund 30 Bonds and Grants Purpose of Capital Project Interest earned on bond proceeds Arbitrage calculation Unexpended bond proceeds Capitalization of Assets
Section 2-Specific Compliance Fund 40 Should detail the debt service revenue and principal and interest payments Should not have a fund balance If it does have a FB budget it into the next year Debt service aid assessment charged to 12-000-400-800 Bond refunding-needs to be accounted for properly
Section 2-Specific Compliance Fund 60 What can be a proprietary fund Cafeteria Community School Child Care Summer Camp Can be run through operating cash acct but must be shown separate on Treasurers report Food Service Management Companies SSAE16 3 Months of Cash schedule
Section 2-Specific Compliance Fund 60 Child Nutrition-monthly reporting-Audit testing End of year Accounts Receivable End of year inventory count Provide Food Distribution program revenue Need to create a Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement like it was a true business
Section 2-Specific Compliance Fund 90-Agency Funds Payroll Payroll Taxes Unemployment Student Activities Other Groups working in the District Are they registered/501c3’s
Section 2-Specific Compliance Capital Assets Capitalization level of $2,000 Depreciation Schedules-lives-methods Using an outside agency for depreciation How capital assets flow from B-2 to A-2 in CAFR How footnote should be prepared
Section 2-Specific Compliance Long-Term Liabilities Compensated absences Early retirement incentive programs (ERIP) Bonds Footnote requirements
Single Audit Federal Requirements Single Audit/Uniform Guidance If grant expenditures exceed $750,000 then a single audit must be performed Low-risk Auditee-why you want to be one What is a major program? Grant of $750,000 or 3% of award if in excess of $25 - $100 million
Single Audit Major program audit requirements Must be audited once out of a 3 year period Single Audit Summary Schedule of Fed and State awards Data Collection Form and filing Findings Corrective Action Plan
Section 3-Reporting Audit Submission Due December 5 Sample reports are in audit program Sample footnotes Statistical section-The J’s Unaudited
Section 3-Reporting AMR-Auditors Management Report Details out specific tests performed by auditor Details all findings even if already stated in the Single Audit information What to watch out for… Expenditures increased-did the surety bond All payrolls signed off Didn’t complete Audit Questionnaire properly
Questions Feel free to call or email me with any questions 732-240-7377