Science Interactive Notebook Setting up your BOSS! “Book of Science Stuff”
Wednesday, August 30th Lesson Target: Get out your BOSS (notebook) I will be organized and successful in Science this year by setting up and using my Science Interactive Notebook (BOSS) efficiently and effectively. Get out your BOSS (notebook) Go over the purpose and organization of the BOSS. Set up your BOSS. Decorate the outside cover of your BOSS.
BOSS (Book of Science Stuff) Science Interactive Notebook Purpose: Enable you to become a critical, creative and independent thinker and writer Enable you to reflect, analyze, and process scientific content Improve and refine your note- taking and organizational skills Create a portfolio of individual learning
Inside Front Cover Glue/tape your Science Course Syllabus onto the inside front cover of your journal.
Title Page The 1st page or your journal is the title page. Title it BOSS and put your name, teachers name and period.
Left Side Pages Glue/tape your “Left Side” hand out onto the back of the 1st page and title it “Left Side BOSS” (left side of your journal).
Right Side Pages Glue/tape your “Right Side” hand out onto the next page and title it “Right Side BOSS” (right side of your journal).
Periodic Table and Formula Chart Glue/tape your Periodic Table and Formula Chart onto the inside back cover or your journal. Science Safety Contract
Safety Contract Title page “Safety Contract” Glue/tape your contract onto the 5th page of your journal (right side of your journal).
Costa’s Levels of Thinking SCIENCE Glue/tape your Costas Levels of Thinking onto the next page (left side of your journal)
Cornell Notes Format Glue/tape your Cornell Notes Format onto the next page (right side of your journal)
Page #5 – Table of Contents Draw your table of contents onto this page you will need to leave at least pages 5-9 blank for your table of contents. Page # Description Date
Number the top corner of pages 1- Number the top corner of pages 1-?? in your journal making sure you follow the format below. 18 19
Outside Front Cover Decorate the front of your BOSS to represent who you are. It can be about family, faith, friends, hobbies, extra curricular activities, etc. You may use pictures, stickers, magazine cutouts, drawings, mementos etc. Include your name and class period!
Outside Back Cover Decorate the back cover of your notebook to represent who/what you want to become. This should include your goals and dreams for the future. You may use pictures, stickers, magazine cutouts, drawings, mementos etc.