WHAT IS AESOP Aesop revolutionized the K-12 software industry as the first automated sub-calling system to offer both the phone and internet. Aesop has continued to grow as the fastest, most efficient and most flexible way to manage employee absences and get qualified substitutes into the classroom.
How far in advance can I create an absence? There are two methods of entering your absences. If you enter your absence over the phone, it can be done up to one month in advance. If you enter the absence online, it can be entered up to one year in advance.
http://help. frontlinek12 http://help.frontlinek12.com/aesop/knowledgebase/employee-web-basic-training-video/
ABSENCE CUT OFF TIME. The latest time that you can create an absence on your own is: 1 hour before your start time Who to contact for when you have last minute absence Before 7:am JEAN After 7:am its building secretaries
Creating your absence in advance will give the preferred substitutes more time to accept the opening.
HELP Employee Learning Center Preferred Substitutes List http://help.frontlinek12.com/aesop/knowledgebase/employee-web-guide/ Preferred Substitutes List http://help1.frontlinek12.com/customer/portal/articles/1516454?b_id=3397