2016 Annual Meeting, Dinner and Program 5 PM Saturday, November 12th 2016 Socialize and Celebrate Worcester Chapter greatness! Featured Speaker: Becky Fullerton, AMC Staff Archivist. Join us as we take a trip, through photos and memorabilia, into the past to experience how we reached and explored the mountains before highways. Which train would you board? What gear and food would you carry? Becky has worked at Bascom Lodge, Crawford Notch Hostel and Cardigan Lodge, and has a master’s in Museum Studies from the Harvard Extension School. She is an avid hiker, runner, and flatwater kayaker. Where: The Manor Restaurant 42 West Boylston St, W Boylston, MA Schedule of Events: Happy Hour Cash Bar 5-6pm, Dinner 6-7pm, Business Meeting and Elections 7-8pm, Program 8pm Register: www.amcworcester.org/ and follow links to our Annual Meeting. Space is limited so please reserve early. Deadline for dinner reservations is November 7th. (No refunds after November 2nd.) Please detach and return if not registering on-line. Must be received by November 7th Names: 1)_____________________ 2)__________________________ 3)_____________________ 4)__________________________ Cost: $25 (members) x _____ = $______ $35 (non-members) x _____ = $ _____ Total: $ _____ Make Checks Payable to: AMC Worcester Chapter Send To: Jose Schroen, 10 Farview Ave, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Sign up for emailed chapter event listings and Wachusett Views news letter thru outdoors.org/membership/member-center.cfm
Appalachian Mountain Club 5 Joy Street Boston, MA 02108 NON-PROFIT Worcester Chapter Appalachian Mountain Club 5 Joy Street Boston, MA 02108 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. #420 WORCESTER, MA 2016-2017 Slate of Nominees for Officers and Committee Chairs Chair: Dave Cole Leadership: Deb Herlihy Vice Chair: Joe Massery Membership: Karen Maki Secretary: Pat Flanagan Midstate Trail: Kim Simpson Treasurer: Jose Schroen Paddling: David Elliott Past Chair: Charlie Arsenault Programs: Jonathan Dirodi Bicycling: Bruce Wester Ski: Jean Sifleet Communications: Alexandria Molnar Social: Mike Foley Communications: Zenya Molnar Social Media: Barbara Dyer Conservation: Kim Beauchemin Technical Climbing: John Grote Endowment: Pat Lambert Third Wednesday: Fred Mezynski Families: Ingrid Molnar Trails: Steve Crowe Hiking: Gina Shea Young Members: Christina Ferretti Historian: Michele Simoneau At Large 100th Anniversary: Steve Ciras Join and Like us on Facebook at Appalachian Mountain Club - Worcester Chapter Join our MeetUp site at: meetup.com/AMC-Worcester Sign up for emailed chapter event listings and Wachusett Views newsletter thru outdoors.org/membership/member-center.cfm amcworcester.org