4th Solar KSP Meeting Potsdam 2010 November 08 Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeling Frank Breitling Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling Overview Introduction to the pipeline Status of solar imaging New results Conclusions 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
The LOFAR Standard Imaging Pipeline Components OLAP: Online Application Processing (Blue Gene/P correlator) DP3/DPPP: Default Pre-Processing Pipeline (for flagging and averaging) BBS: BlackBoard Selfcal (calibration) CImager: Imagers Control via parset files 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling Details Data format Measurements Sets (MS) from CASA Batch processing DPPP BBS Imagers (LOFAR wiki: http://www.lofar.org/wiki/doku.php?id=software:standard_imaging_pipeline) (Cookbook: http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~fdg/LOFAR_cookbook/LOFAR_Cookbook_v2.3.pdf) Interactive Processing CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications (http://casa.nrao.edu/ CASA Cookbook) 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
First solar observations Date: 2010-06-09 10:17:00, 11:41:00, 13:40:00, 15:40:00 Duration: 4 x 10 Min Frequency range: ~120-180 MHz LOFAR stations: 20 core (CS) + 3 remote (RS) stations, i.e.: RS106HBA, RS306HBA, RS503HBA, (CS001-7, CS021, CS030, CS103)xHBA0+1 Total data volume: 1.5 TB 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling LOFAR: 135 MHz Nancy RH: 150.9 MHz 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Details about data - SB105 (msinfo) # of visibilities: 194025 Phase center: +05:05:09.0, +24:09:52.0 Frequency range (MHz): 135.449 -- 135.645 Wavelength range (m): 2.213 -- 2.210 Observation time span: 2010-06-09T10:17:00 -- 10:27:00 Duration (min): 10 time bin / integration: 1.00663 # of channels: 256 channel width (KHz): 0.8 # of polarizations: 4 # of antennas: 25 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Problems during data analysis Imperfect calibration Clock offsets => Clock offsets (from Olaf) Station microsec CS001HBA0 0 CS001HBA1 0.01 CS002HBA0 1.913 CS002HBA1 1.903 CS003HBA0 1.913 CS003HBA1 1.9 CS004HBA0 1.893 CS004HBA1 1.9 CS005HBA0 1.887 CS005HBA1 1.9 CS007HBA0 1.887 CS007HBA1 1.9 CS006HBA0 1.887 CS006HBA1 1.893 CS021HBA0 -0.014 CS021HBA1 -0.01 CS030HBA0 -0.007 CS030HBA1 -0.007 CS032HBA0 -0.003 CS032HBA1 0.01 CS103HBA0 -0.025 CS103HBA1 -0.025 RS106HBA -0.12 RS306HBA 0 RS503HBA 0.007 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling BBS Sky Model # (Name, Type, Ra, Dec, I, Q, U, V, ReferenceFrequency='60e6', SpectralIndexDegree='0', SpectralIndex:0='0.0', MajorAxis, MinorAxis, Orientation) = format # The above line defines the field order and is required. Sun, GAUSSIAN, 14:18:17.00, -, 60000.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,81.5e6, 0, 0., 4000.0, 4000.0, 0.0 TauA.neb, GAUSSIAN, 05:34:32.00, +, 1888.55, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,81.5e6, 0, -0.299, 420.0, 290.0, 0.0 3C123, POINT, 04:37:04.72, +, 454.97 3C133, POINT, 05:02:58.58, +, 44.67 Now reduced to only 4 sources Sun is strongly dominating 3C sources from “The VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey” catalog (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/4mass/VLSSlist.shtml) Sun coordinates from (http://www.jgiesen.de/astro/astroJS/sunriseJS/index.htm) 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling Model Images with BBS blmax: 60m 125m 250m 500m 1000m all 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling UV Coverage 60m 125m 250m 500m 1000m all 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Core stations without clock offsets Use only core stations CS002-CS007 (Baselines <400m) 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
SB184: 150.885-151.068 MHz Nancy Radio Heliograph frequency 150.9 MHz Dirty image Model image 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling SB184: 150.885-151.068 MHz 2010-06-09T15:40:00 - 15:50:00 Dirty image Model image 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Data volume problem Data is difficult to Data analysis find on offline cluster copy and archive Data analysis consumes a lot of CPU takes very long Obtain Use Subbands ~200 ~5 Channels 256 32 Total data volume 1.5 TB 1.5 GB We have to emphasize more that we want small data samples!!! 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Conclusion / Outlook First solar images with the Standard Imaging Pipeline Quality needs improvement Analysis needs to be extended to more subbands 7 new solar observation were taken on 2010-10-29,30 Should only request 10 subbands for next observations Olaf will spend the next days at the AIP for data analysis Many problems have been and will be discussed at the LOFAR Forum Thanks for your attention 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling
Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling References User Software Group: http://usg.lofar.org/ LOFAR User Forum: http://usg.lofar.org/forum/index.php LOFAR Interface Control Documents (ICDs) http://usg.lofar.org/wiki/doku.php?id=documents:lofar_data_products Documentation for the Standard Imaging Pipeline http://www.lofar.org/wiki/doku.php?id=software:standard_imaging_pipeline The LOFAR Imaging Cookbook http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~fdg/LOFAR_cookbook/LOFAR_Cookbook_v2.3.pdf Frank Breitling <fbreitling at aip.de> http://www.aip.de/People/fbreitling/ 2010 Nov 8, Potsdam 4th Solar KSP Workshop Solar Imaging with the Standard Imaging Pipeline, Frank Breitling