Aquatic Bio-security Campaign Check, Clean, Dry Emma Kiddle, Defra Campaigns and Marketing, 18th May 2011
Background Non-native Species Media and Communications strategic plan highlighted freshwater users as key target audience Following the success of Be Plant Wise, the Non-native Species Media and Communications Working Group in January 2010 agreed to engage anglers as the next priority And then...
The Killer Shrimp Found on 3rd Sept 2010 at Grafham Water, Cambs. Also found in November 2010 at two locations in Wales.
Background Killer shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus found at Grafham water in September 2010 and at two locations in Wales in November One of the most damaging and invasive species in Europe Significant media interest in the subject – including piece on Countryfile Package of measures being developed with Ministerial support, including communications campaign Campaign led by communications group working as part of overall EA chaired Task Group
Campaign objectives Draft messages: Raise awareness of and encourage behaviour change: Aquatic non-native invasive species and the impact they can have on the environment The practical steps that can be taken to stop the spread through good bio-security practices Local campaign Support local activity with information and resources In particular, target waterways with specific issues e.g. Killer shrimp Good bio-security practises = Make it 2nd nature to clean down and check equipment before and after getting involved in recreational water activity. Draft messages: Check and wash equipment and clothes before and after water based activity Stop waste water entering any watercourse Thoroughly dry equipment and clothing. The shrimp can survive up to 5 days in damp areas Check areas that retain water, remain damp or are hard to inspect (for example water that collects in bilges or inside kayaks and canoes) How to report an invasive species...
Include other invasive animals, plants, diseases, parasites and pathogens Fish diseases – picture of fish with “Spring viraemia” - one of two really problematical virus diseases of fish (particularly in carp species, such as koi) Picture bottom left is of Salmon fluke – “Gyrodactylus” Picture bottom middle is of frog with Chytrid fungus Bottom right is Zebra Mussel
Target audience and channels Primary audience Boating and angling community and other users of water bodies such as rowers and canoeists – key audience groups identified in the Media and Communications strategic plan Conservation organisations Channels PR/Media; toolkit; events; website and digital advertising Possible promotion with boat and rod licences
Partner support Building on communications already produced by partners
Communications approach and messaging Developed overarching brand to unify aquatic bio-security information Broad appeal including fit with Be Plant Wise Three easy to follow actions: Check, Clean, Dry Relevant to all possible aquatic invasive non-native species
Poster and factsheet
Media launch Monday 28th March at rowing club in London Minister Richard Benyon accompanied by Olympian rower Ben Hunt Davies and Mark Owen from the Angling Trust Coverage included BBC London news and Guardian editorial
Partner support Articles on all our partner websites and in newsletters. For example: Angling Trust e-newsletter to15,000 anglers British Rowing club mailing Local NNS action groups distributing leaflets Water UK newsletters EA handing out 10,000 leaflets during the Whitsun Bank Holiday
Websites: www. direct. gov. uk/checkcleandry Detail on www Websites: Detail on 772 views of campaign landing page in two days 1,088,893 have seen our Google sponsored links 684 clicked through to our landing page.
Next steps Websites remain available at Directgov and Focus on working with existing partners and building new relationships, i.e. with chandlers & tackle shops, to communicate messages Regular updates when new information is available Attending events to engage target audience Working with LOCOG to ensure information included in packs going to Olympic teams £92m recently announced by Defra’s Secretary of State to improve the status of our waterways, part of this funding will be used to support INNS activity