To double degree or not to double degree, that’s the question Charissa van Mourick, Nijmegen School of Management Koen Schilders, Nijmegen School of Management Dyane Koremans, Faculty of Law Wessel Meijer, International Office 16 May 2017, Radboud Internationalisation Day
About this workshop Introduction to double degrees – Wessel Meijer Carroussel 3 rounds Double bachelor degree (Victoria University, Canada) – Charissa van Mourick Double master degree (Nottingham Trent University) – Dyane Koreman Erasmus Mundus degrees (several partners) – Koen Schilders Wrap Up
What is a double degree programme Joint programme: a degree programme jointly offered by two (or more) universities. Students follow education at at least two locations. Graduates receive one joint degree or two (or more) single degrees from the universities involved. Joint degree programme: a joint programme issuing one joint degree. Both universities are fully responsible for the whole programme. (one diploma, two logo’s) Double degree programme: a joint programme issuing two (ore more) degrees by each involved university. Content-wise, the degrees are very similar or identical. However, the formal responsibility for the Dutch university is the part of the education that leads to the Dutch degree. (two diploma’s, one logo each) Dual degree programme: a joint programme issuing two (ore more) degrees by each involved university. Content-wise, the degrees differ from each other. Formally, each university is only responsible for the part of the education that leads to its own degree.
Joint programmes at Radboud University Transnational Water Management (Sciences) Niederlande-Deutschland Studien (Arts) Planet Europe (Nijmegen School of Management) System Dynamics (Nijmegen School of Management) Insolvancy Law (Law) Bachelor International Economics (Nijmegen School of Management)
Joint programmes policy at Radboud University Current Radboud policy is “neutral” Not stimulated, no incentives Faculty is responsible (= bears financial risks) Needs approval of the Executive Board “Joint Programme Check”: no compromise to quality, added value must be clear, practical problems solved, financial sound. Task Force Joint Programmes Advises faculty in case of new initiatives Instruments like “Comparison table” and check lists. Advises the Executive Board based on the “Joint Programme Check”: International Office, Strategy, Education and Research, Finance, Student Affairs, Legal Affairs
To double degree? Combines strengths of two universities: improved quality of education. Increases attractiveness of your existing programme by adding an international track. “Exploits” a specialism that is too small for a stand alone programme. Enhances the international profile of your programme, department, faculty. Creates opportunities for further (research) cooperation with partner universities. Creates unique (legal) opportunities for graduates. Creates opportunities for EU funded scholarships (Erasmus Mundus/Erasmus Joint Degrees). Improves recruitment power (two or more recruitment channels).
… or not to double degree? Needs additional quality control measurements. Conflicting tuition fee regulations. Conflicting examination rules. Application and enrolment systems not geared to double degrees. Visa issues. Housing issues. Labour intensive, e.g. thesis work (expensive). Vulnerable to regulatory changes within the partner universities and countries.
… that is the question. Radboud International 2025 Should we continue the current policy?