Advertising Chapter 11
Early Advertising Signs Handbills Newsletters Classified ads Penny press
Advertising Profession ‘Persuasive communication that is paid for’ Agents Arranged for purchase of ad space
Advertising Pioneers Volney Palmer George P. Powell Albert Lasker First advertising agency Fees from publishers George P. Powell Brokered ad space to clients Advised clients on which space to buy Albert Lasker War propaganda
Broadcast Advertising Rise of radio Sponsorship Spot advertising Television Explosion following WWII Key creative medium for advertisers
Hard Sell vs. Soft Sell Hard Sell Soft Sell Facts ‘Reason why’ ads Emotional Entertainment Values
Advertising Big 5 Venues Newspapers Magazines Radio Television Outdoors
Integrated Marketing Communication Pulls together all forms of advertising & marketing Uses all available channels to get advertising message across Combines marketing, advertising & public relations
Advertising Online Buttons Intermercials Pop-ups Scroll over to bring up ads Intermercials Come on when clicking for content Prior to viewing content Pop-ups Mixed reviews, annoy some audiences
Advertising Online Blogs Viral marketing Can be used to advertise products Contain advertising Viral marketing Place ideas in areas where online community will comment on them Chat rooms, message boards Act ‘as if’ part of the community to get message out Goal: stimulate discussion of brand
Advertising Technology Databases Data mining Collect and cross-match personal information Develop profiles based on demographics Target market consumers in myriad ways
Advertising Technology Information attached to credit & bank card activity Store purchases Discount market cards Websites, TiVo, etc. collect consumer preferences Information bought and sold by advertisers Permission marketing
Spam Unsolicited advertising via email or the Web Can-Spam Act 2003 Top consumer complaint Direct marketers ‘harvest’ email addresses Sell to spammers Can-Spam Act 2003 Limited regulations on spamming
New Advertising Strategies DVRs & other technologies allow viewers to eliminate traditional commercials Also collect preferences from viewers and report via modem New TV strategies: ‘Advertainment’ – ads as programs Product placement – products in programming Storylines about products
Advertising Process
Branding Brand is unique image for specific type of product Brands try to evoke emotions Brand goal is loyalty Consumers become attached emotionally to particular brands Repeated purchases & related advertising cement loyalty
Top 10 Advertisers
Advertising Plan Situation analysis Objectives Target market profile Positioning statement Creative strategy Media plan
Advertising Approaches Give new information Reinforce a current practice Change a predisposition
Advertising Approaches Emotion or Information? Advertising Approaches
Advertising Issues Portrayal of women & minorities Globalization Mainly celebrities Power differences Globalization Cultural differences require different approaches Ads may not be appropriate for all cultures