USA United States of America
In the USA there are 314 Milion inhabitants
Stars and Stripes The 2 last stars were added in 1959 when Alaska and Awaii joined the USA .
The Emblem is an eagle
Independance Day • The National Day is July 4th . • It's commemorate the Declaration of Independance in 1776
The Pilgrim Fathers • The first europeans arrived in 1620 it's the Pilgrim Fathers . • Their boat was the Maryflower .
The Native Americains were Indians
The Black slaves • The first Black Slaves arrived at the end of 17th Century . • Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery and died assassinated in 1865 , at the end of The Civil War .
The first president was George Washington
The 4 presidents on Mount Rushmore are George Washington , Thomas Jefferson , Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln .
Barack Obama • the president is Barack Obama . • He lives at the White House • It is situated in Washington DC .
The capital is Washington DC In Virginia
The Biggest city is New York . The nickname is '' The Big Apple ''
The Statue of Liberty • The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France in 1886 .
Empire State Building • The higgest skyscraper in New York is The Empire State Building .
The Appalachians and Rocky Mountains • The 2 mountains ranges are The Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains .
The Grand Canyon • The Grand Caynon is the most spectaculor gorge in the world .
Mississippi • The longest river is the Mississippi .
BaseBall • The most popular sport in USA is the Baseball .
The Route 66 • The Route 66 is the longest route of the USA .