What You Do Organize Cater Time Score Professionalism Humor and Fun (Twisted fun) Consult Experience knowledge base Provide how to engage stakeholders- participants charities sponsors Proactive Liaison to running community Advice Counsel Market Promote Babysit Hand hold Create value Create experiences Create a fun experience Add value
What You Do: Part 2: Gleaned from later conversations “I participated in this event because I knew you were involved.” So much more than timing and scoring. Execution race day, preplanning, attend their meeting, make sure details are workable. Manage 80% of registration platforms. Clients come to us first when other ask them to try new registration platforms, etc. Provision of DATA. Database, shirt pick up, Producing content/ platform “Event” to engage with. Audience want to engage. How we give them opportunities to engage- race organizers, athletes, sponsors, supporters, volunteers. Community Create engagement even with non-athletes What You Do: Part 2: Gleaned from later conversations Use tools to make events user-friendly Take away friction points Take away crazy For Initial planning stages- give insight into what works, what doesn’t. Practical. As they improve, and what makes financial sense for organizers. Help clients avoid bad word-of-mouth in the social era. Never say, “not our problem.” Handle (client) shortcomings
What’s the ideal experience people have with your company? Organizer Perspective Put all resources to work to make event better Seamless No issues when the event is in progress (even when things explode) We have their back- clients don’t need to be experts Guidance On race day clients don’t have to worry –off their plate Guidance with non-race pieces of the puzzle We’re: SWAT Team The A team Hal team Advising even outside of scope Not “outside our job” Athlete Experiences Ensure athletes have a great experience Cater to their wants and needs Communicate the athlete need and wants to clients They want to do it again- measure of success Spread the word, what a great time Knowing who the base of the event is/people outside base What motivates them? Memorial/celebration/ true to base/ and how do you expand outside that base What does the typical participant look for in events? Hit on those Create engagement- both immediate and long lasting Swag SOCIAL Free Pictures Medals Maintain integrity of event- keep it from getting scattered, diluted Events are true to their core
Describe the problem you are solving for customers Looking for somebody to make timing scoring easy and professional First: Learn, Listen, Solve What are challenges Bring Solutions Partners Make Complex events happen (unique in timing scoring community) Give Clients the ability to do what they want even if it is complicated Take away restrictions – figure out how to make it happen Always have participants in mind (Participants won’t follow direction… so planning for that) Runner safety/ well-being Word of mouth
Fixing Problem Events- Climb for LA 15 years with one (timing) company, elites were bad mouthing- problems and challenges/ what elites want/ make it good for them, for everybody Tried to create teams, but timing company wanted team control, restricted on race day, Complicated, rigid--- got rid of that. Team can start together, no age group, all day, engaging with event, keep checking status, interactive all day, corporate teams, camraderie, Late sign up, revenue. Run Rabbit Run Ultra. Long, Manpower for timing/scoring, expensive. 500 people for 40 hours. Keeping track, rugged conditions. Make their vision happen. Texted to make times available… (yikes) Live manual tracking. 425,000 page views in 40 hours
How do people feel when they encounter your group? Relief Confidence Excitement Thankfulness Motivated Dependability Integrity Happiness- runners
Some Preliminary Thoughts on Where We See the Company Headed in the Near Future Whole team together Continuously pulling the pieces together to create engagement experience Events that will bring people in. (user experience/ app) Opportunities Mini events within larger events Showing organizers how to increase Sponsor ROI Engagement opportunities Innovative ways to get data out, help folks engage, interact Technology + One foot in front of the other= fun experience Our clients stakeholders together, engage Cutting edge- leader Expand market base Stay ahead/ new tech/ trends marketing sponsorship educate clients vision- not a vendor – needed/wanted component to event. Value added- Social media/ vetting partners for clients Registration platforms/ make sure its right for client RESOURCE for clients Ask about other tech, etc.