Bridge Rectifier Electrical Engineering and Industrical Electronics Lecture: Wang ruifang Email : Office : Yifu Building 107
Review: How to obtain? AC power supply load transformer rectifier DC power supply How to obtain? AC power supply load transformer rectifier filter regulator v1 vo Rectifier Convert AC into DC
How to obtain the negative DC voltage? The Half-Wave Rectifier v t O How to obtain the negative DC voltage? – + a Tr D v o R L i b AC t vo O DC Positive DC voltage
What are the defects for the half-wave rectifier? – + a Tr D v o R L i b t vo O What are the defects for the half-wave rectifier? Negative DC voltage
The Bridge Rectifier ~ Simulation 1. Circuit a Tr vo v b D1 D4 RL D3
The Bridge Rectifier v ~ vo 3. Waveform 2. Working Principle io a Tr RL b v D1 D2 D3 D4 vo t D1D3 on D1D3 on D1D3 on During positive half-cycle of v
The Bridge Rectifier v ~ vo 3. Waveform 2. Working Principle io a Tr RL b v D1 D2 D3 D4 AC vo t DC D1D3 on D2D4 on D1D3 on D2D4 on D1D3 on During negative half-cycle of v
The Bridge Rectifier v vo 4. Calculations of parameters 3. Waveform (1) Average voltage (VO) vo t (2) Average current (IO) D1D3 on D2D4 on D1D3 on D2D4 on D1D3 on
The Bridge Rectifier
Discussion 1 vo a ~ Tr RL b v D1 D2 D3 D4
How to obtain the negative DC voltage? Discussion 2 How to obtain the negative DC voltage? vo a ~ Tr RL b v D1 D2 D3 D4 vo t
Assignments P387 8.31 8.33
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