Objectives On completion of this period you would be able to know : The definition of Antimalarials Monograph of Cinchona
Known to Unknown Do you know any thing about Malaria fever? What type of drug is useful in it? What was the old age remedy for Malaria?
Antimalarials Definition : Drugs used in Prophylaxis or treatment of Causative organisms: Plasmodium malariae Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium ovale Plasmodium falciparum Symptoms : Shivering, fever and profuse sweating
Causative Organisms Causative organism enters into the human body through the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes Natural drugs used in the treatment of malaria Artimisia annua and Cinchona
CINCHONA Synonyms : Jesuit’s bark; Peruvian bark Botanical Source : Dried bark of stem or of the roots of Cinchona calisaya Cinchona ledgeriana, Cinchona officinalis, Cinchona succirubra Family : Rubiaceae Fig.52.1 Cinchona plant
Cinchona Geographical source : Native of South America Cultivated in Indonesia (Java), Zaire, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Guatemala In India in Annamallai hills and Nilgiri hills in Tamil naidu, Darjeeling of West Bengal, Karnataka, Assam and Sikkim Fig.52.2 Cinchona plant
Organoleptic Characteristics / Macroscopy Color : 1. Stem bark – Outer surface is dull brownish-grey to white. Inner surface is yellowish-brown to deep reddish-brown 2. Root bark – Deep reddish-brown color Odour : Slight and characteristic
Organoleptic Characteristics / Macroscopy Shape : Quills, channeled or flat pieces Taste : Intensely bitter and somewhat astringent Size : 30 cm. Long 1.5cm to 2 cm in diameter 2 to 8 mm thick Fracture: Short
Cinchona Chemical Constituents : Contains about 25 alkaloids of which 4 main alkaloids are Quinine Quinidine Cinchonine Cinchonidine
Cinchona Chemical tests: Bark powder when heated in dry test tube with little glacial Acetic acid. It yields Purple vapour. If treated with dil. sulphuric acid it gives Blue fluorescence. Drug powder + bromine water + ammonia Emerald green Heat
Cinchona Uses : Antimalarial and Antipyretic Bitter tonic and Stomachic Cradiac depressant Used in Rheumatism and Neuralgia Substitutes of Cinchona: Cuprea bark : Obtained from the stems of Remijia pendunculata, 2. False Cuprea bark: Obtained from Remijia purdiena
Summary In this class we learnt about : Antimalarial drug Cinchona, its source, Morphology Cinchona contains 4 important alkaloids namely Quinine, Quinidine, Cinchonine and Cinchonidine. It is widely used as Antimalarial and antipyretic
Quiz Cinchona belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae Leguminosae Rubiaceae Rosaceae
Quiz 2. Main chemical constituents present in Cinchona Alkaloids Tannins Glycosides Resins
Quiz 3. Cinchona used as Oxytocic Antimalarial Antihypertensive Antiseptic
Frequently asked Questions Write the uses and constituents of Cinchona Write the monograph of Cinchona What are Antimalarials? Give an account on Cinchona