Establishing SAE Outcomes and Annual Summary SAE Competency Standard VI
Review Elements of measurable LEARNING OUTCOMES Steps for developing measurable learning outcomes Career Pathway Skills in AFNR College/Career Readiness Skills SAE and its Role in SBAE
Measurable SAE Student Learning Outcomes Activity – Turn to your Partner Develop a list of possible student learning outcomes Use AFNR Career Pathways and college/Career Readiness documents Report out to the entire class
Situation: It’s January of your first year of teaching and your students just closed out their previous years records. Now what do you do with all the data?
Annual SAE Report There is a Need!
Who’s the Audience? Department of Education/State Agricultural Education Consultant School administration Superintendent, principal, activities director, department chair, curriculum director, etc. Community Parents, advisory board, alumni, businesses, chamber of commerce
What should be included in an SAE annual report? Purpose of SAE and program-level student outcomes associated with SAE Summary of SAE programs Summary of hours (paid and unpaid) Results of SAE Awards and recognition Fairs, proficiencies, etc. Couple of Points of Pride
How should the report be communicated? Tailor it to your audience (report not effective as a one-size fits all approach) Could include… Written report Brochures Oral reports including presentations and radio/TV Websites (school, agricultural education program, FFA chapter) Newspaper articles (press release) and/or photos Social media
Summary An annual summary of SAE outcomes is an important component of successful school-based agricultural education programs.