Welcome to this week’s webinar: Understanding Eating Disorders Welcome to this week’s webinar: Understanding Eating Disorders ***We’ll start at 6pm*** Before we start, please check that your audio is working. Attendees are muted to avoid background noise. The webinar will be recorded, and both the recording and slideshow will be sent out after the session. At the end of the webinar we’ll move across to facebook where Pooky will do a live Q&A including any questions you share in the control panel. You can join us here: www.facebook.com/charliewallermemorialtrust Write notes here
Before Poll Write notes here
Understanding Eating Disorders Write notes here 30 minute webinar followed by a Facebook Live discussion with Pooky - Wednesday 30th November 2016 cwmt.org.uk | facebook.com/charliewallermemorialtrust
What? Who? Why?
Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions Food, weight or shape are used as a way of coping with difficult circumstances or emotions
Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Eating Disorders Binge Eating Disorder O.S.F.E.D “Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders”
Increase Healthy Weight Decrease
Look different… …but not so different
Eating disorders are an equal opportunities illness Who? Eating disorders are an equal opportunities illness
But Why?
Only one person can tell the story
I’m a failure. I fail at everything and I should be punished…so if I don’t do as well as I should then I don’t eat the next meal. Food was like a drug for me. I would eat until I was numb and for just a few moments I found a place where nothing else mattered. It was the one thing I felt I was in control of and every time I did another 10 reps or prepared a protein shake I felt like I was winning for once. Control Cope Chastise
Diet or Eating Disorder?
Diet or Eating Disorder? No slips Self-evaluation You would be worried anyway
Patience Next steps Listen Practical Support Refer
Book Club: cwmt.org.uk/freestuff Link Link
After Poll Write notes here
Handling mental health disclosures safely and sensitively 6pm Wednesday 7th December 2016 Write notes here cwmt.org.uk | facebook.com/charliewallermemorialtrust
Facebook Live Q&A www.facebook.com/charliewallermemorialtrust Write notes here
Lovely Free Stuff from CWMT…
Free Book Club for School Mental Health Leads inourhands.com/bookclub @CharlieWTrust | @PookyH
Mental Health: Weekly Online Learning for Staff working with CYP inourhands.com/onlinelearning @CharlieWTrust | @PookyH
@CharlieWTrust | @PookyH Mental Health: Free training and workshops for school staff, pupils and parents inourhands.com/cwmt @CharlieWTrust | @PookyH
E-Newsletter Highlighting events, resources, research etc inourhands.com/sign-up @CharlieWTrust | @PookyH
Dr Pooky Knightsmith Director: CYP& Schools Charlie Waller Memorial Trust training@cwmt.org | 01635 869754 pooky@cwmt.org @PookyH