Sardar Patel Institute Of Technology BUILDING CONSTRUCTION
FOUNDATION MADE BY Kanani Bhavesh (130680106011) Maheshvari Sunil (130680106012) Makavana Devendra Dave Mehul (130680106014) Mori umesh(130680106016) Narender singh Hemendra sunil
TYPES OF FOUNDATION a) Shallow Foundation System i) Spread Foundation ii) Mat / Raft Foundation b) Deep Foundation System i) Pile iii) Diaphragham wall ii) Pile walls iv) Caissons
SHALLOW FOUNDATION Advantages Cost (affordable) Construction Procedure (simple)] Material (mostly concrete) Labour (doesn’t need expertise)
SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATION Also known as a footer or footing It’s an enlargement at the bottom of a column/ bearing wall that spreads the applied structural loads over a sufficiently large soil area. Each column & each bearing wall has its own spread footing, so each structure may include dozens of individual footings.
The foundation consists of concrete slabs located under each structural column and a continuous slab under load-bearing walls. For the spread foundation system the structural load is literally spread out over a broad area under the building Most common type of foundation used due to their low cost & ease of construction. Most often used in small to medium size structure with moderate to good soil condition.
Spread footings may be built in different shapes & sizes to accommodate individual needs such as the following: a) Square Spread Footings / Square Footings b) Rectangular Spread Footings c) Circular Spread Footings d) Continuous Spread Footings e) Combined Footings f) Ring Spread Footings
a) Square Spread Footings / Pad Foundation - support a single centrally located column - use concrete mix 1:2:4 and reinforcement - the reinforcement in both axes are to resist/carry tension loads.
b) Rectangular Spread Footings - Useful when obstructions prevent construction of a square footing with a sufficiently large base area and when large moment loads are present
c) Circular Spread Footings - are round in plan view - most frequently used as foundation for light standards, flagpoles and power transmission lines.
d)Continuous Spread Footings / Strip Foundation - Used to support bearing walls
e) Combined Footings - support more than one column - useful when columns are located too close together for each to have its own footing
RAFT FOUNDATION A foundation system in which essentially the entire building is placed on a large continuous footing. It is a flat concrete slab, heavily reinforced with steel, which carries the downward loads of the individual columns or walls. Raft foundations are used to spread the load from a structure over a large area, normally the entire area of the structure.
DEEP FOUNDATION Extend several dozen feet below the building a) Piles b) Piers c) Caissons d) Compensated Foundation
PILES????? A slender, structural member consisting steel or concrete or timber. It is installed in the ground to transfer the structural loads to soils at some significant depth below the base of the structure.
PILES FOUNDATION IS USED WHEN: The soil near the surface doesn’t have sufficient bearing capacity (weak) to support the structural loads. The estimated settlement of the soil exceeds tolerable limits Differential settlement due to soil variability or non-uniform structural loads is excessive Excavations to construct a shallow foundation on a firm soil are difficult or expensive.
There 2 type of End Bearing Piles That is Preformed Timber Pile & In-Site-Reinforced Concrete Pile
Friction Pile May Be Used To Support DownWard Load
TYPES OF PILES a) Concrete Piles i) Cast-In-Place Concrete Piles ii) Precast Concrete Piles iii) Drilled Shafts b) Steel Piles I) H-Piles ii) Cylindrical iii) Tapered c) Timber Piles d) Composite Piles
TYPES OF PILE CONSTRUCTION Displacement Piles - It cause the soil to be displaced radially as well as vertically as pile shaft is driven or jacked into the ground. b) Non Displacement Piles - It cause the soil to be removed and the resulting hole filled with concrete or a pre cast concrete pile is dropped into the hole and grouted in.
Displacement Pile
Replacement Pile / Non Displacement Pile
Pile Driving Rig - raise and temporarily support the pile that being driven and to support the pile hammer.
Pile Driving Rig
Pile Installation Using Drop Hammer
Pumping Water Out Of The Hole For The Excavation Of The Pier
Constructing The Pier Framing
Completed Pier Framing Post Footing & Detail
Ramp Is Installed Ramp Is Bolted
Floor Decking Installation Completed Pier