The Digital Transformation of the University University of California, Irvine IN the future, the formal sector will be joined by a thriving informal sector,


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Presentation transcript:

The Digital Transformation of the University University of California, Irvine IN the future, the formal sector will be joined by a thriving informal sector, one that will explore niches of learning the traditional university will not and that will combine with the university to tie students learning the same content together. Larry Cooperman Associate Dean for Open Education University of California, Irvine

Campus Data Enrollment (Fall 2016) Undergraduates 27,331Graduate (general campus) 4,817Graduate (Health Sciences)1,319Total33,467 Workforce (Fall 2016) Ladder-rank faculty1,232Other teaching faculty1,751Nonteaching academics2,746Campus staff 5,461Medical center staff 4,973Subtotal16,163Student employees7,442Total23,605 Degrees Awarded (2015-16) Bachelor's     6,857Master's1,518Ph.D./Ed.D.393M.D.  108J.D.113Total  8,989 Retention and Graduation Rates One-Year Retention Rate 93%Four-Year Graduation Rate 70%Six-Year Graduation Rate88% Applications (Fall 2016) New Freshmen Applicants77,810New Freshmen Enrolled6,552 Student Fees (2016-17) California residents (undergraduates) $15,035Nonresidents (includes tuition, fees) $41,717Percent of students who receive financial aid

UCI’s Strategic Plan Goal 2.3: Utilize modern technological tools to create the most effective learning environments UCI embraces a technologically enhanced education strategy that goes beyond online courses and leverages all forms of innovation to enhance student experiences. We will develop a comprehensive plan for deploying technology in a way that best supports our diverse internal and external constituencies. In addition, we will use student analytics to improve learning, decrease time to degree, increase graduation rates, and close gaps between race/ethnicity, first-generation status, and income groups. Strategies • Become a national leader for high-quality online education by establishing metrics that ensure successful student outcomes that faculty apply to their own teaching and through assessments • Incorporate technological innovations and global connections into traditional on-campus teaching by providing resources for online education training, standardizing support for educational technologies, and using digital platforms to bring top lecturers and researchers into the classroom • Provide facilities, software and other tools that accommodate in-person and technology-based instruction

Trow’s Conceptions of Elite, Mass and Universal Higher Education   Elite (0-15%) Mass (16-50%) Universal (over 50%) i) Attitudes to access A privilege of birth or talent or both A right for those with certain qualifications An obligation for the middle and upper classes ii) Functions of higher education Shaping mind and character of ruling class; preparation for elite roles Transmission of skills; preparation for broader range of technical and economic elite roles Adaptation of ‘whole population’ to rapid social and technological change iii) Curriculum and forms of instruction Highly structured in terms of academic or professional conceptions of knowledge Modular, flexible and semi- structured sequence of courses Boundaries and sequences break down; distinctions between learning and life break down vii) Academic standards Broadly shared and relatively high (in meritocratic phase) Variable; system/institution ‘become holding companies for quite different kinds of academic enterprises’ Criterion shifts from ‘standards’ to ‘value added’ Source: Trow, Martin, “Reflections on the Transition from Elite to Mass to Universal Access: Forms and Phases of Higher Education in Modern Societies since WWII. International Handbook of Higher Education: Part One: Global Themes and Contemporary Challenges. 2007. Springer. Dordrecht, Netherlands. IN the future, the formal sector will be joined by a thriving informal sector, one that will explore niches of learning the traditional university will not and that will combine with the university to tie students learning the same content together.

Distance Education and Massification

Components of Digital Transformation Data Communications Time, Space and Task Shifting Digital Citizenship

D-Transform for What Purposes? Teaching Learning Service Institution-Building

Engaged Learning

Data Student data Course/LMS data Research data Homework data in Chemistry shows two types of learners: conceptual and algorithmic. There are pockets of data all throughout the university. How this gets combined can come up against privacy, ownership and even UCI as a whole is all intent on let’s have a good picture and very little on let’s do something real. Context in which it happens. What is the reward structure? What is the attitude toward the student. A prolongation of high school. A lot of methods that work don’t fit in with the procrustean bed that is institutional education. 2.0 CC-BY See:

Teaching and Learning Most matriculated online students in the UC system First online degree (masters) in UC system (2002) First campus to partner with a MOOC provider 1.5 million visits to OpenChem YouTube playlist 35 million users of UCI Coursera courses First campus to offer a MOOC to undergraduates for credit

UCI School of Medicne Students author some texts in collaboration with faculty and peers. UCI School of Medicine first to integrate Google Glass into curriculum IMEDED – First fully digital curriculum (2010)

What has to change? Administrative structures Evidence-based research on teaching and learning Experimentation with new models Educational materials Digital technology to shift educational spaces, tasks and time

Solve social problems

Thank You Larry Cooperman Associate Dean for Open Education University of California, Irvine Board of Directors African Virtual University