Use the following slides to complete your notes Australia Use the following slides to complete your notes
Australian History It is believed that the Aboriginal people came to Australia 50,000 years ago over a land bridge from Asia. They have a very distinct culture, rich in music, dance and art. They have been able to use the harsh environment of Australia to sustain their way of living for thousands of years.
Australian History From the 1500’s-1700’s Europeans traded with countries in Asia and establishing colonies in places like India. This led them to Australia. The British arrived in the 1700’s when James Cook arrived in Botany Bay and claimed Australia for Britain. In 1787, Britain began sending convicts to Australia and using it as a prison colony. They built farms, homes and businesses. It continued to be a prison colony until the 1830’s, when Britain began sending free settlers to Australia.
Australian History Similar to Native Americans and Aztecs, when Europeans arrived in Australia, they killed many Aboriginals, drove them out of their land and passed on diseases (which eventually killed them as well). By 1900, an estimated half of the Aboriginal people had died.
Australian History Until the mid-1900’s, Aboriginals were viewed as savages, dangerous and primitive. White Europeans tried to “civilize” them by having them dress in “proper attire” kidnapping children, placing them in camps in order to be servants in white homes trying to “blot out” their race by having them marry and have children with white people.
What do you think about what the British did to “civilize” Aboriginals?
Modern Australian History Many of the issues that plagued the United States in the first half of the 20th-Century also were felt in Australia. Australians fought in both World Wars and suffered from the Great Depression. World War 2, however, was very different for Australia since they became very close to becoming occupied by Japan.
Modern Australian History After World War 2, Australia experienced labor shortages and used an aggressive immigration policy in order to bring in more workers. However, Australia enforced a White immigration policy that only allowed for people from Europe to immigrate there. In the 1950’s & 1960’s, the White immigration policy began to change and in 1966 non- Europeans were allowed to come to Australia only if they could adequately contribute to the work force or universities.
How do you think these policies have affected how Australians view those of other races?
Reconciliation The Australian government has tried to correct the mistakes of Australia’s past. In 1966 National Reconciliation Week was celebrated and continues to be celebrated until today from May 27-June 3. It is a time to 'reflect on achievements so far and on what must still be done to achieve reconciliation' (Reconciliation Australia). Photo: “SORRY - Sydney Opera House”, Australia National Sorry Day 2015. (2017). Flickr. Retrieved 17 April 2017, from
Important Facts Land size: about the same as USA Capital: Canberra Largest City: Sydney 6 states Population: about 23 million
Seasons The southern hemisphere has opposite seasons from the northern. So, when it’s winter in America, it’s summer in Australia.
School Most schools are in session from Late January until Late December. They only get about 4 weeks off between school years.
Important Sites Sydney Opera House Sydney Harbor Bridge Ayers Rock
Animal Life Australia is home to some of the world’s most unique species. Most aren’t found anywhere else in the world, like the Duckbill Platypus, Koala & Kangaroo.
Food In addition to eating much of the same things Americans eat (like McDonald's), Australian’s have some other foods they enjoy. Lamingtons are white cake surrounded by chocolate with coconut & powdered sugar. Vegemite is a thick, very dark brown food spread made from yeast extract.
Sports Sports, especially Rugby, are an important part of Australian life. Their biggest rivalry is with New Zealand’s rugby team, the All Blacks. There are also various kinds of Rugby, like “Aussie Rules”. Cricket, a sport played by the British, is also popular. Click the videos above to learn more.
Videos to Explore 10 Myths About Australia What Australians Think About Americans How to Do an Australian Accent Watch some or all videos for your class.
Sources About Australia | (2017). Retrieved 18 April 2017, from Reconciliation Australia. (2016). Retrieved 17 April 2017, from The changing face of modern Australia – 1950s to 1970s | (2017). Retrieved 17 April 2017, from modern-australia-1950s-to-1970s