Data Center Network Topologies By: Monil Patel
Modular Data Center It is also known as Ice cube of data center. Small size requires < 1 MW power and has 4 racks. Medium size requires 1-4 MW power and has 10 racks. Large size requires >20 MW power and has 20 racks. It has built-in cooling system with PUE of 1.02.
Containerized Data Center They are ready to use. Just connect water and power supply and go. The built-in cooling system is easy to scale. They are used as backup in the disasters. These modules are offered by Cisco, IBM, SGI, Sun/ORACLE.
Cabling It is in the networking part of data center. Unstructured cabling is not good. Structured cable is generally used. It has numbers and it is well organized.
Unstructured Cabling Structured Cabling
Cabling (Cont..) Some are underneath floor. The cables go into the top rack. There are three layers. Signaling Power Fiber Some are underneath floor. The cooling air comes out of that floor
Cabling under raised floors provides better appearance and cooling Three Layers: Bottom: Signal, Middle: Power, Top: Fiber Minimize patching between cabinets and racks
Physical Layout The standard is approved by ANSI/TIA. There is power backup on one side. There is entrance. A telecommunication room. The cooling system next to it. The cabinets are in isles.
Physical Layout Data center network topologies mainly contains core, aggregation and access. The server is connected to core. The core is connected to aggregation. The aggregation is connected to access. All these core, aggregation and access are switches.
Data Center Physical Layout
ANSI/TIA-942-2005 Standard
TOR & EOR TOR (Top of rack) Easy cabling. If only rack is not fully populated. If traffic is more, hard to ass more ports. Upgrade requires complete rack upgrade.
TOR & EOR (Cont..) EOR (End of row). It has longer cables so it is hard. Servers can be placed in any rack. Ports can be easily added and upgraded.
Access Aggregation Connections It has different types: Looped triangle Looped square Loop-free U Loop-free inverted U There are some issued like higher level oversubscribed Moving across subnet Overuse poor reliability
DCN Requirements It has to be scalable, secure, shared, standardized, simplified. Converged infrastructure has servers, storage and network. They must work together. Workload mobility requires large L2 domains for VM mobility. Storage traffic on Ethernet has congestion management.
Any Question ? Thank You -Monil Patel