Congressional Leaders Use the information from the slides to complete the graphic organizer
Presiding officers in Congress Each chamber has officers that preside, or serve in a position of authority, over meetings Presiding officers in Congress Speaker of the House-House of Reps. President of the Senate-Senate President Pro Tempore-Senate
Responsibilities of Presiding Officers Manage daily meetings and sessions Preserve order in the chamber Appoint members and chairs of committees Refer bills to committees Sign legislation Set rules for proceedings and debate Official spokesperson for their chamber
Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin Speaker of the House The most powerful representative and the highest-ranking legislative official in the USA Selected from the majority party in the House of Representatives. In line to become President after the VP Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin
President of the Senate Presiding officer of the Senate Always the current Vice President of the United States Doesn’t participate in debate; only votes when there is a tie Currently Joe Biden (D)
President Pro Tempore Mostly a ceremonial and honorary position Presides over sessions in the Senate when the Vice President is absent In line to become President after the Speaker Orrin Hatch (R) Utah
Floor Leaders Floor leaders serve as the leaders of political parties in both chambers and are chosen from either the majority or minority leader Responsibilities include: Serve as spokesmen of their political party Begin debates in their chambers Help guide bills through Congress Develop calendars Negotiate with other political parties Assist the presiding officers
House Floor Leaders House Majority Leader Mouse Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R) California Nancy Pelosi (D) California
Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader Senate Floor Leaders Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky Harry Reid (D) Nevada
Assistant Floor Leaders Political parties in both chambers select assistants to the floor leaders known as Whips Responsibilities of Whips include: Assisting the floor leaders Ensuring attendance by members of party Counting votes Persuading members to vote in support of their political party
House Assistant Floor Leaders Majority Whip Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R) Louisiana Steny Hoyer (D) Maryland
Senate Assistant Floor Leaders Majority Whip Minority Whip John Cornyan (R) Texas Dick Durbin (D) Illinois