AG Cross– Race briefing Tuesday, August 22nd 2017
Briefing agenda Welcome and Introductions Competition Jury Schedules and Timetables Check-in and Procedures The course Post-Race Procedures Weather forecast
Welcome and Introductions Loreen Barnett (CAN), ITU 1st Vice President Eric Angstadt Torres (ESP), ITU Team Leader Thanos Nikopoulos (GRE), ITU Multisport TD Dr. Doug Hiller (USA), ITU Medical Delegate Ross Capill (NZL), ITU Race Referee Ulf Schuetze (CAN), ITU Race Referee Susie Ernsting, LOC Race Director Jenni Andrews and Kurt Flaman, LOC Cross Course Designers
Competition Jury Thanos Nikopoulos (GRE), Chair Loreen Barnett (CAN), ITU Kim Van Bruggen (CAN), Host NF
Schedule and Timelines Tuesday, August 22nd Race Packet Pick-up 12:00 – 12:30: Team Canada AG Athletes 12:30 – 13:00: Team USA AG Athletes 13:00 – 16:00: All AG Athletes pick up time
Schedule and Timelines Tuesday, August 22nd 12:30-16:30 AG & Open Bike Check-In / TZ Gate A: M18-44 Gate B: M45+ Gate C: F18+, Open wave 16:00-17:00 AG Video Briefing / Q&A
Schedule and Timelines Wednesday, August 23rd 6:00 – 07:15 Transition Open (last minute check in – no bikes) 7:00 Elite/ U23 Men Race Start 7:05 Elite/U23 Women Race Start 7:30 AG Men 18-44 Race Start (red colour swim cap) 7:35 AG Men 45+ Race Start (yellow colour swim cap) 7:40 AG Women 18+ Race Start (purple colour swim cap) 7:45 Open Wave Men (green colour swim cap) 7:45 Paratriathlon Race Start 7:50 Open Wave Women (orange colour swim cap) 8:30 Junior Men Race Start 8:35 Junior Women Race Start
All athletes must be off the course: Transition zone check out: Schedule and Timelines All athletes must be off the course: BIKE – 11:30 RUN – 13:00 Transition zone check out: From the moment that last athlete is on the run course until 14:30 Award ceremonies: 18:30 at Gyro Park
The Venue Okanagan Lake Park – Bike Check, Transition Rotary Park – Athlete Village, Package Pick-up, Swim Marshalling. Start Gyro Park – Post Race Area, Awards, Celebrations
Bike Check-in Procedures Enter through any one of the 3 gates provided to transition. If you choose to leave any equipment (other than your bike) at your spot during the night, please place them in the appropriate bag beside your bike. No loose gear will be allowed on the ground next to the bikes. Label your gear. Full bike covers are not allowed. Don’t leave any nutrition items in transition over night.
Bike Check-in Procedures Bike check (Bike mechanic available) The maximum tire diameter for the MTB is 29 inches. The minimum cross section is 1.5 inch. A plate will be placed on the bike’s handlebar on each athlete‘s bike. Finishing without a plate is subject to DSQ. Helmet check - – snug strap, no cracks, numbers attached To add any equipment to the bike, you must obtain approval from the Race Referee up until 10 minutes after the end of the Athletes‘ Briefing. Clip-on handlebars are forbidden Traditional MTB bar ends are allowed but must be plugged
Check-in procedures Entering the Venue/Transition on Race Morning Only registered athletes with a sky blue wristband may enter. Body Marking Check – Tattoos are provided in race kits and must be on prior to entering on race morning. Uniform check (name, country, logos, ITU logo, zippers) Timing Chip – pick up your chip as you enter transition and put it on immediately. Bicycles may not be brought in on race morning. Bicycles may not be removed until the bike portion. Bike technicians are on site. Athletes are not to bring pumps. Gear not required to race must be left in the Morning Clothes Tent at Gyro Park. All “Marks” will be removed by Technical Officials
Swim warm up Warm up at the public beach Athletes must find their way into the start area through the expo to the swim marshalling corrals. Report 10 minutes before their race start.
Public beach - swim warm up Swim marshalling Start
Pre-start Procedure Athlete line-up: 3 waiting areas on Rotary Park: Pre-start 1 -> Pre start 2 -> next to start line Know your start time and be on time Toilets at the Transition & Rotary Park Go through a start audit timing mat to officially register you into the race results system. Move to the start line on the beach Select a position and stay behind the line (between the two flags)!
Start Procedures Athletes in position: The start can be given any time after the Race Referee announces ”On your mark” Air horn blast The race starts Athletes starting in a wave earlier than their allocated one will be disqualified. If athletes start later than their allocated wave, their time will be from their original start time.
False Start Procedures False start Example: Several horn blasts Kayaks in front of you Everyone goes back to her/his spot
The Course Swim 1 lap of 1500m Bike 1 lap of 31.5km Run 1 lap of 8km
Swim Course Today at 11:00 am Water temperature: 22.6 ºC Air temperature: 22.7 ºC WBGT: 19.1 ºC Wetsuit not allowed (final decision 1h before the start of each race) Distance to the first turn buoy 470m Keep all the yellow buoys on your right (junior race course will be marked with orange buoys – don’t be confused)
AG/Elite/Para/ U23 course Swim Course Map AG/Elite/Para/ U23 course Swim Exit Junior course Start
Swim Exit Take cap, goggles to transition into your area Last swimmers may cross with the lead runners at the swim exit – Lead runners have priority
Transition Area Traditional Bike Racks – numbered Orientation boards at the beginning of each rows Rack your MTB by the saddle All equipment within 0.5m of your race number. Bags to the Post Race Area in Gyro Park Mount/ dismount line on the road
Bike Course 1 lap of 31.5km Hilly and very technical within the single track– Environmental protected area Course is marked according to the UCI MTB regulations Blue pin flags/ caution tape/ blue tape One arrow sign– direction Two arrows – direction/ caution Three arrows - direction/ extreme caution Drafting is allowed in all the categories, but not between men and women - – When safe, give way to faster riders. Carry with you extra tubes/ use robust tires – sharp rocks on the course
Bike Course Spectators don’t have access in the Three Blind Mice network – More information to be found at the information tent 1 Filling Station on the course – no support from volunteers/ must stop and dismount the bike if you need to use it Water, F2C Lemon Lime HydraDurance Only discard bottles and litter within littering zones as indicated by the following signs (see locations on the map):
Littering zone Filling station Littering zone
Caution Caution signal: three sharp whistles and red flags
Aid station
Run Course 1 lap of 8km Course marking with blue flags/ tape Narrow sections on KVR A part of the course is through the lake Aid stations: Two aid stations per lap – for location see map Water, F2C Lemon Lime HydraDurance. Only discard bottles and litter within littering zones as indicated by the following signs: Congestion in finish area: Go to recovery area
Swim exit – Possible crossover Aid station Aid station
Penalties How do you know if you need to serve a penalty? The official will do the following – Sound a whistle or horn Show a YELLOW CARD Call your number Advise you of the PENALTY The time penalty is served on the spot. If you are shown a RED CARD, you may be disqualified
Weather forecast Check regular updates at
Good Luck!