Description -This mid latitude climate has a low temperature in the 30s to 40s and high temperatures in the 60s or 70s. It precipitates more in the winter than in the summer. Cool, damp winters and hot dry summers are common. Mediterranean BIOME: CHAPARRAL
Humid Subtropical Description - This mid latitude climate’s low temperature is in the 30s or 40s and high temperature in the 70s to 80s. Precipitation is not consistent, but there is precipitation all year. Deciduous forests, fruits in this area., vegetables, and rice are grown BIOME: DECIDUOUS FOREST (MIXED)
Description - This high latitude climate can have a high temperature that can get up into the 50s or low 60s. This climate has a low below freezing, and may have temperatures below zero. It gets drier as one gets farther from Equator. Subarctic BIOME: TAIGA
Description -This mid latitude climate has cold low temperatures Description -This mid latitude climate has cold low temperatures. It can be below freezing, but highs can be in the 70s or 80s. There are usually about 3 hot summer months, 3 cool fall months, 3 cold winter months and 3 cool spring months. There is inconsistent precipitation throughout the year. Humid Continental BIOME: GRASSLAND or DECIDUOUS FOREST
What happens when one country develops an establishment in another land? They influence the cultures of the region they go to (Language, Government type, economic systems, etc.)
What are some characteristics of a free-market (Enterprise)economy? It encourages competition Producers determine the supply and availability Consumers determine the demand Making a profit drives people to risk their own money
Impacts of the Columbian Exchange Europe brought animals, slaves, and crops to the new world. Europeans brought new diseases back home with them, leading to massive deaths
What are some of the common characteristics between the U. S What are some of the common characteristics between the U.S. and Canada? They both have very high literacy rates and education systems, both have urban populations over 75%, and they both have religious tolerance with no official language
Population Pyramids
What is one of the consequences of having a fall-line? Cities develop along these points between high and low elevations
What are some characteristics of a socialist economy? The government owns the major economic sectors of the country, provide education and health care for it’s people Private individuals own some of the means of production
What biome is located in the subarctic? Taiga The taiga supplies a large portion of the U.S. and Canada’s lumber
Political System in Canada (Parliamentary Democracy) Federal Level The Queen Elizabeth II of England is the official head of state in Canada. She chooses someone to represent her and carry out the official duties of the head of state. That person is called the Governor General. The House of Commons makes the laws. They are elected by the Canadian people. Out of the majority party, the Governor General selects a Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is the head of the Canadian Government. He chooses his cabinet from the House of Commons. The PM also chooses Senators, who review the laws that are proposed by the House of Commons. Senators come from all across Canada.
Religious Breakdown Canada U.S. Christian 78.4% Other Religions 4.7 % Unaffiliated 16.1 % Canada Christian 67.3% Other Religions 7.2% Unaffiliated 23.9%
Appalachian Mountains Estimated to be between 465 million to 1.1 billion years old. Much smaller than some of the other mountain ranges because of glacial erosion and weathering.
Downstream – direction a river flows (toward the mouth) – from the source. Upstream – direction opposite the flow of a river (toward the source) – from the mouth.
Mouth – place where a stream or river flows into a larger body of water (can be estuary or delta)
No matter where you are or where you live, you are in a watershed No matter where you are or where you live, you are in a watershed. A watershed is an area of land that catches rain and snow and drains it into a body of water, such as a river, pond, estuary, bay, lake, or ocean. A watershed can also be called a drainage basin.
Source – place where a river or stream begins, usually in the highlands. Lake Itasca
How do cultures change? Cultural Convergence (acculturation) Occurs when skills, arts, ideas, habits, and institutions of one culture come in contact with those of another culture Diffusion - Spreading of knowledge, skills, and ideas from one group or individual to another. Examples: trade, migration, war Innovation – a newly developed way of doing things.