GCSE Revision Media and Technology
The Media All forms of communication, written, transmitted and oral Books, newspapers, magazines Television, Video, Film, DVD Computers and the Internet The media is an extremely powerful force within society, should it be controlled?
Religions and the Media Useful – to spread the message of the religion. To reach new people through modern means of communication. Threatening – Moral issues may not be dealt with from religious perspectives. Some programmes may be offensive. Religions sometimes on the receiving end of ‘bad press’.
The Impact and Effect Direct Impact Through personal choice Gradual impact Many people believe that certain forms of the media have a very dangerous impact on individuals, that they are not even aware of!
Controlling the Media Censorship of the Press Television Censorship, e.g. the ‘watershed’ Film Classification Virtually impossible to regulate the contents of the internet Should there be a totally free media?
Religious Broadcasting Several Christian worship programmes on TV and radio Documentary style programmes sometimes cover topics of religious interest Little in the UK media to serve the religious needs of other faiths – other than local radio in areas with large religious minority groups Religious groups are allowed their own radio stations but not TV channels
Christianity and the Media Many are wary of the dangerous impact of the media on society and individuals Some would like to see stricter censorship The law of blasphemy still exists but is rarely used to prosecute Religious broadcasting is mainly Christian
Islam and the Media Concerned about the values portrayed by the media Especially those surrounding issues of Marriage, sex and relationships Anything blasphemous against Allah or Muhammad is deeply offensive Advertising should be truthful and balanced