Today’s Aims To allow you to meet the Year 5/6 Team; To explain the importance of Upper Key Stage 2 To give you advice which can help you to support your child’s learning; To make you aware of the Year 5/6 expectations.
The Year 5 Team Teachers TLA’s Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Georgiades Miss Currie (Team Leader) and Miss Smith (ITT) Miss Kaur Miss Obiago Mr Melwani Mrs Faiz-Mahdavi TLA’s Mrs Khan Ms Stewart Hanifa Ms Davidson Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Georgiades
The Year 6 Team Teachers TLA’s Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Georgiades Siobhan Ali (Team Leader) Sabrina John-Lewis Colleete Vesey Sunita Devji TLA’s Lucy Cropper Kirstie Kershaw Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Georgiades
Why is Upper Key Stage 2 important? Years 5/6 are the final years at Preston Park Primary School and are very important. Your child will be approaching the transition to secondary school. In the Summer Term, all Year 6 pupils in England sit the government end of Key Stage 2 tests, known as SATs, in Reading Comprehension, Maths and Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation. Children in Year 5 should also be preparing for this in class through their main tasks.
SATS 2018 Year 6 These are the tests that your child will sit during the SATs week:
Expectations Children are expected to leave Year 6 working at the expected standard. All children will need to ensure that they complete and hand in their directed home learning on time. Children to adhere to school/class rules.
Looking Smart!! Green school jumper/ cardigan with logo White shirt or polo shirt Grey trousers / skirt White or grey socks Black shoes Summer dress (girls) Black or grey tights (NO LEGGINGS) Headscarf- black or white please
Tips to help you to support your child’s learning
Routine Please make sure: Your child arrives at school before 8.40am If your child is absent please either telephone the school (0208 904 3602) or send a note to the class teacher. Your child brings his/her bag to school every day with their ‘Reading Record’ and ‘Reading Book’ inside, along with any homework due to be handed in. Please note that it is vital that children come to school on time.
Curriculum Topics & Key Texts
Family Talk Time Studies have shown that if children can speak well and use a large vocabulary, this improves their writing. You can help your child by: Finding at least 10-15 minutes of talking time each day (perhaps when you sit down as a family to have your evening meal) to ask your child about their school day. Do not accept one word answers! Encourage your child to speak in full sentences when talking in English or your home language.
Weekly Homework Please support the following expectations: Times Tables It is essential that your child has full knowledge of their times table up to the 12 times tables. (Minimum) Play games involving times tables. Children also have Mathletics passwords which they can use daily to complete tasks online at home on: http://uk.mathletics.com/signin/
Weekly Homework Spelling Spellings will be sent home every week on a Wednesday. Please make sure that your child is learning their spellings every day. Spellings will be checked through class work. Encourage your child to try and use the words that they are learning in a sentence. Please be aware that spelling out loud is very difficult when learning spellings. Your child will find it much easier to write down their spellings when you are testing them. Please do not expect your child to learn their spellings on their own. They will need help, encouragement and praise.
Weekly Homework Reading In Years 5/6, children are expected to read aloud to an adult everyday, (between 15-20 minutes). It is important that you ask your child questions about what they are reading to check that they have understood what they have read. The children’s reading record will contain example questions. Please make sure that your child has a library card and makes regular visits to your local library to allow your child to choose their own book. Please fill in the comments section of your child's Reading Record book.
Weekly Homework Reading Tips Sometimes your child may want to read to you but sometimes your child might want you to read to them. Your child is never too old to be read to by an adult. If your child is stuck on a word, don’t let them struggle. Tell them what it is and keep going. (Use Phonics) If your child is a good reader, still sit with them but work on expression and pausing in the right places. At the end of a reading session, always ask your child what they think might happen next and why. Ask them why they think the characters acted in a certain way. Additionally, you can ask them if there are any words that they didn’t understand and look them up together in the dictionary.
Personal Wellbeing Studies have shown that children perform better in school and get better results in exams when they have a good night’s sleep and when they start the day with a good breakfast. We would be very grateful if you could help your child by: Encouraging them to go to bed at a suitable time for their age (recommended 8.30pm); and Providing them with a nutritious breakfast. Attendance - ensure your child is in school as much as possible.
Expectations are high!! We expect all children to come to school well rested and fully prepared to learn.
Any questions? Thank you We want every child in Preston Park Primary School to enjoy themselves, work hard and achieve their full potential, so that when they leave us and go to secondary school they are confident and well-prepared for Key Stage 3. We hope that you have found the information session helpful. Thank you Any questions?