Parent Consultation Mark Merrywest
Logo Why does the logo need to change? We don’t currently have a single ‘identity’ Two images, the school and the two Victorian young people Education has moved on and images are not representative We asked the young people and parents for views Lots of good ideas, the building featured as did trees and togetherness. We have many large trees on our school site and the pupils also mentioned the woods We took the ideas and asked a designer to create a logo Shown to Staff, School Council and Parents for feedback and views
Proposed Logo Note: The logo will be used in both white on blue and blue on white depending on the situation
Proposed Logo Note: The logo will be used in both white on blue and blue on white depending on the situation
Uniform Why do we need a new uniform? What have we looked at We don’t per-se, but we do need a uniform A great deal of inconsistency across the school both in main uniform and PE Kit Quite scruffy and doesn't demonstrate high expectations of the school Issue with multiple generations and ‘re-use’ of uniform. What have we looked at Reviewed four uniform suppliers and researched on the internet Tried to find a cost effective and standard solution available to everyone One that can be sourced easily, but which can be standardised.
Proposed Uniform
Uniform Basics Royal blue jumper (or cardigan) – sourced only from M&S (currently £7 - £9.50) Sky blue collared shirt (polo an option in Reception only) Grey schools trousers Grey or black school socks. Girls can wear plain mid grey school tights Plain sensible black school shoes Girls – grey pinafore dress or school uniform grey skirt Blue check summer dress (M&S only) from the Summer term only All items apart from Jumper and Summer Dress can be sourced from any standard uniform supplier, e.g. major supermarkets Expectation is though that the policy is followed and followed up by the school
PE Kit Basics Blue sports T-Shirt with Bunwell logo (for competitive sports) Plain black sports shorts Black socks Plain black or white tennis shoe style trainers All items apart from the sports T-Shirt can be sourced from any uniform supplier. Note that the trainers need to be sensible sports attire and not fashion shoes
Class Names Classes will choose a name based on the woodland them. Young people will choose the theme e.g. trees, animals, plants, birds Classes will then decide / negotiate together from a list. Examples only: Oaks, Elms, Birch, Beech Student council very positive about this idea!