Employee Engagement in Southend-on-Sea Neil Keeler - Group Manager People & OD Suzanne Newman – Senior Participation & Consultation Advisor Kasey Burke – Procurement Officer
Agenda Welcome Our story – the heritage and investment to date Our Strengths, Challenges & Aspirations Our Vision of an Ideal Solution Questions, thoughts & reflections? Process – next steps
A Taste of Southend New CEO Alison Griffin starting in July ’17… … leading an award winning Senior Leadership Team… …of a generally high performing/award winning council. Conversations are underway on aspirations for ‘our Town & Our Future’. Increasingly a place other councils like to talk with/visit. We feel we punch (well) above our weight & wish that to continue. We’ve reduced headcount & budget significantly - maintaining EE.
Gold Silver Bronze Core We are here NOW scoring 182 (165) Silver (115) Bronze (65) Core (39) We were here in 2015 scoring 177 Increase in alignment of people strategies Consistency of people management practice
Quotes from our people... “I feel valued and proud to work here” “If you want development this is the place” “I was bowled over within the first 5 minutes of getting here” “I feel valued and proud to work here” “I have the tools to do the job & get the support from my manager.” “I feel privileged to work here” Manager: “My recent 360 review results brought home the value of my contribution.” “You have an opportunity to change career paths” “I feel really invested in” “We hear exactly what the journey is to be.” “There is more than enough learning available” “…team meetings have become more productive where we share information and invite colleagues from other teams.” “It’s all about the people I work with. They all give 110%” “There is a healthy approach to wellbeing and worklife balance” Quotes from our people...
Our performance heritage – some tools & models Hyperlinks embedded with further details in the images above
Our Strengths Our corporate strategy is really well established Engagement is generally good, in some places it’s very good “Never seen anything like your staff engagement in 25 years” Culture change & engagement have credibility, are established & valued here Successful networking & partnerships are established externally Investment in Leadership & Management has brought dividends Values were ‘home grown’ i.e. inherent not ‘inflicted’
Our Strengths cont. L&D & OD innovation: forum theatre, action learning & coaching. Clear expectations of Managers & Leaders to perform & frameworks ‘The Southend Way’ – a passion for the town. Entrepreneurial/innovative spirit - used to not having much money! Attendance – ave. sick days per FTE now only 7.31 in SBC Aim for excellence & continuous improvement well established
Our Challenges Continuing to value our people, their resilience & the engagement they have as it is critical to our future success Challenges to EE from changing our strategy & tactics What will engage a 21st Century public servant, working in very different ways? Performance & engagement is still not as consistent as we would want Succession planning & talent management in some roles is challenging. Saving still more money, with minimal impact on services & maintaining EE?
Our Aspirations? 21st Century employee engagement?
Our EE Vision! So what? What is enabled by this? The ‘Model’ So what? What is enabled by this? With what measurable benefit? Action orientation/ability to progress an issue identified? Heritage & validity? Can we ‘estuarise’ it? Why is this best for us, right now? The Approach The Impact Simplicity, ease of access and use? Range of tools & sophistication to monitor beyond survey period? Presentation of outputs. Our EE Vision!
The ‘Model’ The Approach The Impact Our Ideal Vision!
We also want to become more sophisticated in ‘joining the dots’. We know that: Excellent performance + Engaged employees = Customer satisfaction. We want to find ways of linking these together to present the facts: to celebrate the areas where this is demonstrated and support those where extra support is required.
Next Steps? Register on Procontract as soon as possible Specification live on Procontract – 6th June Deadline for submissions from suppliers – 7th July Review submissions – 11th July Seek approval from CMT – mid/end July Agree & award pilot - August 1st Survey Oct/Nov 2017
E-Tendering Portal You will need to register to Procontract, our e-tendering portal to view the opportunity once it has been published. Responses must also be submitted via the portal. Registration is free of charge on the link below https://procontract.due-north.com For system help please contact procurementops@southend.gov.uk
What questions do you have? Now an opportunity to network meet other suppliers in the room. Thanks for your interest and coming looking forward to hearing your thoughts about working with us. Safe journey home.
Contact Details Background or ‘OD’ queries: Neil Keeler – 01702 215683 - 07808 730737 neilkeeler@southend.gov.uk Procurement process queries: Kasey Burke – 01702 212281 kaseyburke@southend.gov.uk Survey commissioning or process queries: Suzanne Newman – 01702 215896 (Maternity cover to be confirmed) suzannenewman@southend.gov.uk